[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

is your ponytail too tight bro?

the two major political parties in the US are basically fucking identical, except for a couple of controversial issues

same in the UK

same here in NZ

same in most western democracies I imagine

the media that you correctly label as unsound are the ones who profit from selling fear and sensationalism like 'sweeping political change' and 'the rise of the far left authoritarians' to dumbshits like you

The problem is that I think there are a ton of people that don't get that. The result of that is the morons that are getting elected currently. Every cycle, the minority seems to ratchet up the rhetoric and now actions (both sides). Sooner or later the fringes are going to start something stupid.
The "silent" majority needs to wake up (again, both sides of center) and slap this shit down. Unfortunately that's not happening.
bc zuckerjew

noted. only prob is ive known multi peep irl that were not only jewish, but did seem to b a part of the gang, and benefit from. only prob is they r also the nicest. goodest. most non phoney (xcept from my urban gangster buds), smartest, most family loving, best humans ive met. so sory, cant jump on the aanti jewish bandwagon.