[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

this mother fuker melting down worse than fukushima

chernobyl level melt down

holy shit my geiger counter just exploded LOL

repeating your words back to you, verbatim

is autism

only if you admit that you are autistic


good lord you guys are bad at this game

no wonder you don't really try or think for yourselves off program
we come to find out that David Hogg gets that white privilege we hear so much about

but yet he is really jewish

i wonder if we can keep pointing that out..........that if white people are so privileged, while jews pretend to be white, to fit their needs, but they also control everything plus have all the power/decision making........if that would and could stick?

my guess is white privilege would then become anti-semitic and we would have to stop again. something something hall of costs....etc

that a new game would have to be invented

much like the refined definition of racism = power + money (two things most poor white kids, who are the most racist, have neither of)

i just want to know how so many dyslexic and adhd jewish kids get so far to the top so quickly.......David Hogg is just one of many on the list


check this (((guys))) resume out

Gary Cohn Dyslexia the Gift

not bad for being :ftard: i'd say

lots of (((tards))) go on to live bitching lives

run the country one day

yah as with everything egregious white privilege is usually jewish priv (weinstein is a gr8 example). we've beaten the 'woops that white person is a jew!' a lot of times no need to go further into it.

his sat score is a bit more than one standard deviation above average and sure we got 50,000 "student athletes" to take it as opposed to in the 70s and bring the average down but whatever stats are stats its just how you look at them.

really any group of people that take care of their own and have a good ole boys club is privilege and the jews are best at it. always have been gotta hand it to them. too bad the catholics didnt allow usury and not give the jews a multi century head start on the loan industry. no wonder they push government debt down our yearning throats as the answer to all ailments.

in the end any somewhat above average intelligence person with non autistic social skills can be placed in a management position for these banking companies (and sometimes let a new goy err guy in with a sterling record and work him until he hates life) so it really comes down to trust and everyone trusts people with the same cultural beliefs and from a similar background first.

i dont fault them for it but their propaganda machine mixed with entrenched posts in several key sectors that dictate public opinion and public law is pretty fucking terrifying and almost makes a reactionary revolution seem like a decent idea.
yet somehow we need more 'diversity'

as whites are attacked in the streets and neighborhoods because 'privilege' and 'equality'

thats not racist at all, its culturally enriching whites for crimes they didnt commit hundreds of years ago

so you better feed them, honkey. now pay up or else, you fucking racist

we could all use some more words of wisdom right now
will you do me one favor

will you at least admit that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were right about these wars

why we need to fight them with no exit strategy forever

so that you can say TRUMP IS WRONG here

I at least want to get the laughter out of knowing you have to side with one group you were told to hate to keep up your hatred for the other


i dont agree with it at all

islamist extremism is a plague

but why does america have to be TEAM AMERICA WORLD POLICE

its bull shit

i hate it

we should have minded our own fucking business

or if war couldnt have been avoided at the very least it should have been saudi arabia

at least that would have made sense

all the highjackers came from there but we found ourselves in iraq with our thumb up our ass
yah as with everything egregious white privilege is usually jewish priv (weinstein is a gr8 example). we've beaten the 'woops that white person is a jew!' a lot of times no need to go further into it.

his sat score is a bit more than one standard deviation above average and sure we got 50,000 "student athletes" to take it as opposed to in the 70s and bring the average down but whatever stats are stats its just how you look at them.

really any group of people that take care of their own and have a good ole boys club is privilege and the jews are best at it. always have been gotta hand it to them. too bad the catholics didnt allow usury and not give the jews a multi century head start on the loan industry. no wonder they push government debt down our yearning throats as the answer to all ailments.

in the end any somewhat above average intelligence person with non autistic social skills can be placed in a management position for these banking companies (and sometimes let a new goy err guy in with a sterling record and work him until he hates life) so it really comes down to trust and everyone trusts people with the same cultural beliefs and from a similar background first.

i dont fault them for it but their propaganda machine mixed with entrenched posts in several key sectors that dictate public opinion and public law is pretty fucking terrifying and almost makes a reactionary revolution seem like a decent idea.

great post

its a shame it will be lost on the shitties who call themselves

yah as with everything egregious white privilege is usually jewish priv (weinstein is a gr8 example). we've beaten the 'woops that white person is a jew!' a lot of times no need to go further into it.

his sat score is a bit more than one standard deviation above average and sure we got 50,000 "student athletes" to take it as opposed to in the 70s and bring the average down but whatever stats are stats its just how you look at them.

really any group of people that take care of their own and have a good ole boys club is privilege and the jews are best at it. always have been gotta hand it to them. too bad the catholics didnt allow usury and not give the jews a multi century head start on the loan industry. no wonder they push government debt down our yearning throats as the answer to all ailments.

in the end any somewhat above average intelligence person with non autistic social skills can be placed in a management position for these banking companies (and sometimes let a new goy err guy in with a sterling record and work him until he hates life) so it really comes down to trust and everyone trusts people with the same cultural beliefs and from a similar background first.

i dont fault them for it but their propaganda machine mixed with entrenched posts in several key sectors that dictate public opinion and public law is pretty fucking terrifying and almost makes a reactionary revolution seem like a decent idea.

yeah i don't fault them for doing it

i fault my tribe, people like hamdumbins, for always being on the wrong team

living life so well that they hate themselves (like the Swedes) and actually wish for the death and destruction of their people so they can experience diversity and perhaps more importantly adversity again.

i just wish i could put them into their area, like i have lived my life, instead of rural VT/CT where it is less than 2% POC so we could both get what we wanted out of life

I would pay actual money to watch him play rap in an inner city LA High School today

to watch him spew his shit to these people on camera

Why a Perfect SAT Score Can Keep You Out of Harvard | HuffPost

some poor conservative kid with a perfect SAT or asian kid who is over represented will not make the cut because David got the whole hogg so to speak.

That claim that Harvard admissions discriminate in favor of Jews? After seeing the statistics, I dont see it. - Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science





somebody is wrong here.......but it is illegal in most countries to talk too much about (((who and why)))
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i dont agree with it at all

islamist extremism is a plague

but why does america have to be TEAM AMERICA WORLD POLICE

its bull shit

i hate it

we should have minded our own fucking business

or if war couldnt have been avoided at the very least it should have been saudi arabia

at least that would have made sense

all the highjackers came from there but we found ourselves in iraq with our thumb up our ass

see this shit makes sense

now keep going with it

if you were lied to once what suddenly stopped the lie?

either go full ZIONIST or don't go ZOG at all

you don't get to mix the oil and water in this logic vessel

unlike DEALYRRUNK I know you have the ability to use your brain

not be tricked and not be a 100% autistic shit for brains

I give you a hard time because I know you have the capacity to connect the dots if you really try
yeah i don't fault them for doing it

i fault my tribe, people like hamdumbins, for always being on the wrong team

living life so well that they hate themselves (like the Swedes) and actually wish for the death and destruction of their people so they can experience diversity and perhaps more importantly adversity again.

i just wish i could put them into their area, like i have lived my life, instead of rural VT/CT where it is less than 2% POC so we could both get what we wanted out of life

I would pay actual money to watch him play rap in an inner city LA High School today

to watch him spew his shit to these people on camera

Why a Perfect SAT Score Can Keep You Out of Harvard | HuffPost

some poor conservative kid with a perfect SAT or asian kid who is over represented will not make the cut because David got the whole hogg so to speak.

That claim that Harvard admissions discriminate in favor of Jews? After seeing the statistics, I dont see it. - Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science





somebody is wrong here.......but it is illegal in most countries to talk too much about (((who and why)))

look at the 'white privilege'

amazing how much shit wypeepo get away with
yep and as you said, in the end its our own fault

speaking of that im now hooked into the county GOP for a district that lost by 1%. ive done enough political soul searching (much thanks to this forum giving me a spot to work out my inner philosophies) so we'll see how much of a shit show it is in terms of fat rednecks practicing nepotism but I made a promise to the chair given their archaic fundraising and voter targeting methods to bump up conservative voter turnout more inline with other demographically similar areas.

really just having a decent skill set in database building, information dissemination, and some psych ops well I mean advertising/marketing experience (as well as being Army) got me a fast track to the inside. i actually didnt like the republican voted out but its time to start practicing our own tribalism. recommend you guys do the same in your areas
my only real point in here is that we have nationalists (who care about this country) and we have globalists (who only care about and serve other countries)

the republican and democrat thing no longer works

it is no longer applicable imo

parties need to split down these new lines and axis

biden/romney ticket would be perfect for this reason

there is no difference on the topics that actually matter and are bankrupting us

Same reason we see Dan Crenshaw is pretty much Pirate John McCain

listen to these people and it doesn't take more than a few second to see who and what they actually fight for anymore
look at the 'white privilege'

amazing how much shit wypeepo get away with

racism = power + money + privilege

but nobody seems more racist to me that "fellow white people"

who appear to have all the power + money + privilege

maybe that is why they keep getting so much shit in the inner cities they live in by POC's who they programmed to hate whitey and attack them? they don't know the nuanced trojan horse difference.

i mean good thing nobody can post those charts on TV or twitter or FB because otherwise I think the gig would be up on that "exploitation" schema real fast
so many words :lol:

if only they meant anything to anyone

if a reeeee falls in a forum with no one to hear it, does it make a sound?
yep and as you said, in the end its our own fault

speaking of that im now hooked into the county GOP for a district that lost by 1%. ive done enough political soul searching (much thanks to this forum giving me a spot to work out my inner philosophies) so we'll see how much of a shit show it is in terms of fat rednecks practicing nepotism but I made a promise to the chair given their archaic fundraising and voter targeting methods to bump up conservative voter turnout more inline with other demographically similar areas.

really just having a decent skill set in database building, information dissemination, and some psych ops well I mean advertising/marketing experience (as well as being Army) got me a fast track to the inside. i actually didnt like the republican voted out but its time to start practicing our own tribalism. recommend you guys do the same in your areas

that really is it

that really is all that can be done

we have little to no control over our federal government

the fed lost all control it appears

state governments are beyond dissaray

you really do have to work locally and find a like minded group of people you know, you have met, you see eye to eye with, to correct your area first and foremost

or as Jordan Peterson would call it making our bed......cleaning our room

the rest is beyond impossible to even care about much longer

As Rome burns and collapses I just want my own little fiefdom that I care about or want to contribute towards.
so many words :lol:

if only they meant anything to anyone

if a reeeee falls in a forum with no one to hear it, does it make a sound?

put me back on pretend ignore ian

your bullshit from down under is as bad and empty as the autism we get from hamdumbins

take your zoooooloft, be patient, be a patient, and someone from your area of the world will respond to your next reddit SWITCH video game comments shortly

You'll need to be offline on your primary switch, in order for you both to be able to use the same Profile at the same time.

I just got a second Switch recently, so you can believe me/ask any other questions that occur :)


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that really is it

that really is all that can be done

we have little to no control over our federal government

the fed lost all control it appears

state governments are beyond dissaray

you really do have to work locally and find a like minded group of people you know, you have met, you see eye to eye with, to correct your area first and foremost

or as Jordan Peterson would call it making our bed......cleaning our room

the rest is beyond impossible to even care about much longer

As Rome burns and collapses I just want my own little fiefdom that I care about or want to contribute towards.

Hah, I like the JP analogy.

Worst case I'll have to work Machiavelli style and subvert the process to suit my aims but I'll give one honest election cycle for at least credibility purpose but really have to see how rotten the structure is for an area that leans light conservative since redistricting lost a seat it hasnt lost in decades. actually a lot of it comes down to new york (citiers) having residences up here and voting up here, the couple small cities bringing busses in to vote all the poor people while the normal working class mechanic/farm type didn't go out to vote cause it hasn't changed hands in 20 years.

really im to blame on it too. well also technically im a mile over the border in a very firm blue county now but concentration of effort is key and turning a 70/30 district around makes no sense when there is a 51/49 next door. i know you're in cali - i have no idea what you can do as im sure any town that is red gets butt fucked extra hard by the state gestapo when it comes to 'random' audits
The entire idea of quantifying human "privilege" on a planet floating in a vat of nothingness where the only other beings we know lead deterministic, fairly simple lives is proof positive that it will never be enough for some people. They will continue to nit pick, to scramble, to hustle, to behave like rodents and predators in a constant desire for more, more, more and for me, me me. It is tiresome. The predatory, offended, mean spirited, low self-esteem, passive aggressive section of our species is our greatest risk. They are the true enemy of our happiness and survival.
Hah, I like the JP analogy.

Worst case I'll have to work Machiavelli style and subvert the process to suit my aims but I'll give one honest election cycle for at least credibility purpose but really have to see how rotten the structure is for an area that leans light conservative since redistricting lost a seat it hasnt lost in decades. actually a lot of it comes down to new york (citiers) having residences up here and voting up here, the couple small cities bringing busses in to vote all the poor people while the normal working class mechanic/farm type didn't go out to vote cause it hasn't changed hands in 20 years.

really im to blame on it too. well also technically im a mile over the border in a very firm blue county now but concentration of effort is key and turning a 70/30 district around makes no sense when there is a 51/49 next door. i know you're in cali - i have no idea what you can do as im sure any town that is red gets butt fucked extra hard by the state gestapo when it comes to 'random' audits

very sound strategy and I look forward to hearing the fun of trying to do that in your region

Forget the Suburbs, It’s Country or Bust

For some New Yorkers, being priced out of the city means it’s time to move to the woods.

ny times sure isn't helping your issue and cause

that is for sure

for us being a bunch of hate filled rednecks and racists they sure do love forcing their way into our area.......never vice a versa

that they always require us more than we require from them

maybe that is why one group is called rats and parasites and the other deplorables and racists

my only option is to hit the escape button and hope my next State doesn't turn to shit as fast as my old one did.......but given the amount of outflow from California and imports coming in I can't say I am too optimistic about that prospect.

my goal is to share custody with a bunch of different states so i can pick and choose which dumb laws I want to follow and be a part of. no wonder rich people love tax havens and playing the same games with multiple dwellings and properties.
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