[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Cliffs: Midterms resulted in fewer Democrat gains than the statistical average of all midterm flips, against a historically unpopular President, and a House map that heavily favored them.

Comment cliffs: OMG that's not winning Republicans lost seats!

Dont forget that 'voter suppression' is the way to frame illegal voting now
Cliffs: Midterms resulted in fewer Democrat gains than the statistical average of all midterm flips, against a historically unpopular President, and a House map that heavily favored them.

Comment cliffs: OMG that's not winning Republicans lost seats!

ty I did read it

popular vote hillary won called out as spurious was p good
Hillary just shifts her position to whatever has 50.1% of support in that moment and then tries to sell it.
Hillary just shifts her position to whatever has 50.1% of support in that moment and then tries to sell it.

Jesus dude youve been obsessed with killary for 6 years

Its thanksgiving bro lmao get her out of your head for a day

Your reeee is unstoppable

Killary will be dead in 3 years anyway bro shes on her deathbed as it is even soros dead babies cant keep her from stroking out
I just replied to a post dude. I could make the same case that you're obsessed with trying to call me out. Eat some pie.
i saw a complete meso-milf at microcenter while picking up a keyboard... she had her asian husband (WFAM) and two hapa kids with her. the kid started begging for more RAM and the dad rightly STUFed him (the line was way long who's really going to go back for seconds).

i smiled at the dad and he started to stretch his legs a bit.. "you only need 24gb if you're running VM - some of my servers at work have 2 TB - cost more than some cars"... i should of asked him for a job and then to fuck his wife
Bush, a real Republican, gained seats on his first midterm. Yet the Trump supporters don’t want to talk about Trumps midterm failure.

Tijuana (Mexico) (AFP) - Hundreds of Central American migrants staged a boisterous demonstration on the US Mexico border Thursday, screaming for President Donald Trump to let them in as US soldiers and riot police put on a menacing show of force.

Migrants defy Trump at Mexico border as US forces flex muscle

uh, wouldnt they be 'defying' if they were already here and ordered to leave but not leaving?
It's free for me. Has something to do with being an Amazon Prime member or something like that. Even though it's free, rarely do I venture there.

comments section on wapo is pretty nice - it's like a sanitized 4chinz just keep the peace