[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Profiting From Disaster? - CBS News

Sources tell CBS News that the afternoon before the attack, alarm bells were sounding over unusual trading in the U.S. stock options market.
An extraordinary number of trades were betting that American Airlines stock price would fall.

The trades are called "puts" and they involved at least 450,000 shares of American. But what raised the red flag is more than 80 percent of the orders were "puts", far outnumbering "call" options, those betting the stock would rise.

Sources say they have never seen that kind of imbalance before, reports CBS News Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson. Normally the numbers are fairly even.

After the terrorist attacks, American Airline stock price did fall obviously by 39 percent, and according to sources, that translated into well over $5 million total profit for the person or persons who bet the stock would fall.
You never went to college. You bought a masters from Phoenix and then pretended you know English. I'm so glad to have outed you.

lol you're so precious.

i'm glad to have outed you as a drunken woman beater that makes terroristic threats and strangles people. :shrug:
oh is this a project veritas (lmao) clip that isn't doctored and edited? how much are the baby parts?

who's paying for this project's offices and video editors? gee i wonder
oh is this a project veritas (lmao) clip that isn't doctored and edited? how much are the baby parts?

who's paying for this project's offices and video editors? gee i wonder

typical idiot npc response, programmed by mainstream media

maybe watch the video first.
i watched about half. while okeefe in his infancy would have just doctored the video to sex it up, it's clear that some people with authority in his campaign have decided (for *some* reason) to unlawfully use campaign funds to do a US illegal immigrant coyote satellite office.

am i supposed to pretend that beto authorized it, or still be as upset if he did not? am i supposed to assume that the director wasn't a plant who was in on it?

knee jerk reeeeism at it's finest. iraq war baby incubator pizzagate NPC echo chamber transmission medium
typical idiot npc response, programmed by mainstream media

maybe watch the video first.

one day you guys will figure out they declared war on you and the rest of us who do not support their beliefs. want proof? look at the 20th century. 100 million murdered by leftists.

revealing their hypocrisy, lies, and treachery only hardens their beliefs and doubles their efforts

they. dont. care.

it is, and will always be, about power... and dont you forget it
wyte trash faggetass cuckfuck numale pussyass fuccboi disgr8c 2 own race chekkn dafuqqqq innnnn 4 mo slaps rite dafuq cross muh pussyass pastyass fukn wyte trash poboy teefz n m0uf lykka i so use 2 b receevn irl i needa b receevn slaps cross muh fukn pussyass teefz n m0uf upinchea 2 ok tyall 4 lissnin summo FUKME
pussyass wyte trash cuckfuck no him soundn lykkit 2 lma0 wtf smdh lol :jester:
that title will work

"goddamned dirty mexican irish beto using campaign bucks to shuttle around mexicans. god bless based okeefe for having the large balls needed to get someone into that roach motel"
lol college buddy thrown under the bus. Typical liberal tactic.

The race shouldn't be this close. Gillum is Obama2.0. Promising medical for all of Florida saying it's a right. Really?
Openly saying he wants to tax companies to pay for it. That's exactly what makes companies not want to come here.
I don't understand why the Jews and Blacks keep voting for the left, when it doesn't work. 99% of blacks are voting for Gillum just because he's black.
well aren't you a good little e-knight

You understand Lisa thinks you and tele are idiots, right? You understand that when you try to grandstand for her, and on the other hand, call her names.. what you don't understand, is that she sees all.

Your quotes have been afforded outside of this place; don't think for a moment that you aren't famous.
If Lisa was so primp and proper that we all here at racist TW should strive towards her level of stature, she wouldn't be slumming it with a woman beater/strangler who according to public record can't pay his bills. Fact is she has no self respect for herself and the fact you put her on such a high pedalstool just shows how shitty a person you are and how badly you wish other people here were shittier than you.
Lisa is probably afraid of him so she thinks whatever he tells her to think

Poor woman probably spends her life counting bottles and beatings, waiting for chief to have a stroke and fuck off