[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread


When u realize trump joined the deep state and jared has a direct line to soros
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no nazis for them to fight today at the rally in DC

nobody showed up to their trap

so now antifa and blm are fighting one another

and going after the cops......calling them fascists


this went better than i expected tbh

with nobody to hate.......they will always hate themselves




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NPR today remembering the violent white nationalist rally last year in Charlottesville not mentioning anything about the other side...

And now reporting about the Washington DC white nationalist rally and all the police that need to be there and the Restriction of guns but no mention of anybody else just white nationalist creating all kinds of violence by themselves I'm sure is all we'll hear about.

And then predictably they move into an immigrant sob story created by a judge stopping ice from doing their job
NPR today remembering the violent white nationalist rally last year in Charlottesville not mentioning anything about the other side...

And now reporting about the Washington DC white nationalist rally and all the police that need to be there and the Restriction of guns but no mention of anybody else just white nationalist creating all kinds of violence by themselves I'm sure is all we'll hear about.

And then predictably they move into an immigrant sob story created by a judge stopping ice from doing their job

Got to stick to them feeeeeeeeeeelz if you gonna keep it realzzzzzzz

the rest really does not matter

like the fact this right wing racist who killed the girl last year voted for Obama

or that the organizer of that event (todays event) is a self admitted provocateur funded by Soros

that the police forced ushered both groups to interact with one another instead of keeping them seperated

that Gavin McInnes got his account shut down for pointing that out and condemning all these events.......telling people NOT TO GO

or that the girl in question, that all this is about, died of a heart attack (according to her own mother) and apparently didn't even get hit by that car but fell over from the sound/reaction of the collision
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ty 4 yella cuckteerz kale from a tru effemcuckfuk numale pussyass fukn noodlyarmd fukn l0s3r ya no yaself 2 b lemmun no wen ya droppn mo yellacuckteerz *SMACK rite dafuq across kale yella pussyass teefz n m0uf lykka guuuud GUD lil fuccboi* smdh lol :jester: