[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Easy to say from your computer desk when gangs aren't beheading people next door.

Now you are getting there- the cartels. We need to focus on the cartels. I am all for that. I am all for helping Mexico get rid of the reasons people want to come here in droves. Now that is something I might help pay for that's a little closer to home.

In the meantime - apply to come here. We are a helpful bunch. But - we don't like criminals. Especially criminals who put their kids in danger.
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This is your worst example to date.

It's also entirely true. Some guy did a youtube video on it. Got rolled up on by the feds as soon as he came close to crossing, but that was before the policy. Under the policy they'd have to arrest him and charge him.

This is what happens when you take all discretion out of the hands of officers.
There's a street in Canada/US where the international border runs right down the middle of the street. Under Jeff Sessions' zero tolerance policy, if I crossed the street I'd be arrested, found guilty, and have my kid taken away for who knows how long.

In the past they just let people cross the street.

have to have a passport on you

you can thank illegal immigrants for that
It's also entirely true. Some guy did a youtube video on it. Got rolled up on by the feds as soon as he came close to crossing, but that was before the policy. Under the policy they'd have to arrest him and charge him.

This is what happens when you take all discretion out of the hands of officers.

Oh well I'll be sure to take some guy on youtube's word for it that you, triple, would be arrested for crossing a street between Canada and the US under a zero tolerance immigration policy.
It's also entirely true. Some guy did a youtube video on it. Got rolled up on by the feds as soon as he came close to crossing, but that was before the policy. Under the policy they'd have to arrest him and charge him.

This is what happens when you take all discretion out of the hands of officers.
good. he has no automatic right to cross into the states.

personally, I'd just respect your law and not cross the fucking street. seems simple
Good - we should keep them out with their faggy socks. We will get to you next, Canada. We will put you in jail and make your children watch hockey re-runs. o wait...
Triple - you mentioned that these people are fleeing beheadings. Now, why do you think that we don't have as many beheadings going on here in the USA?
Triple - you mentioned that these people are fleeing beheadings. Now, why do you think that we don't have as many beheadings going on here in the USA?

I guess this is how you justify child abuse - you convince yourself anyone from south of the border is a murdering psychopath and live in fear, therefore extreme measures are necessary.
No - you said they are fleeing behadings. Why don't we have that problem here in the US? Also, although unhappy - those kids are safer than they have been by your own logic as well.
No video of police, an official saying he crosses every week illegally, no stats on how many zero tolerance victims there are. Great example.