[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Yes she did, and yes they did. Though it hardly matters because based on your own logic, being investigated alone made her guilty.
Now, would you please care to answer my question instead of deflecting? What was the 500k for?
So you don't know? I gotta say I'm getting mixed messages here.

It is very interesting that companies who had business before the federal government were paying the president's personal attorney hundreds of thousands of dollars and no one can give a reasonable explanation why.
It is very interesting that companies who had business before the federal government were paying the president's personal attorney hundreds of thousands of dollars and no one can give a reasonable explanation why.

You are in for a huge disappointment
How many clients does Essential Consultants LLC have?

What was the 500k for? I'm starting to think you don't know and won't cop to it.
"Oh they just paid him to be a lobbyist"

(michael cohen is not registered as a lobbyist)

Maybe it was for mowing lawns.

Meanwhile fool is struggling with the facts.

He's asking me what the 500k was for - dude - that's not my problem.

Cohen is the one who has to answer for that money.
If there is an innocent explanation for that money, why isn't Cohen calling into CNN right now telling everyone what it was for? "Here's what I did for them, here's the receipts, we cool?" He just lets everyone assume he's going around committing major felonies? Okay.
"Oh they just paid him to be a lobbyist"

(michael cohen is not registered as a lobbyist)

Maybe it was for mowing lawns.

Meanwhile fool is struggling with the facts.

He's asking me what the 500k was for - dude - that's not my problem.

Cohen is the one who has to answer for that money.

Triple doesn't have any idea why so it must be illegal