[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

I came in here just to post about that story:
Democratic Party files suit alleging conspiracy by Trump campaign, Russia, WikiLeaks to sway 2016 election | Fox News

This is a can of worms of epic proportions.

It's well known that Seth Rich was the DNC leaker. MS13 was hired for the execution, right after Seth Rich's murder two dead MS13 members turn up in North Carolina after the hit, no loose ends...

Assange gets Seth Rich's leak directly. DNC lawyers forced on the family to botch the legal work involving the family and to keep possible private investigators from getting any actual investigation done.

This proves they're watching the Q boards. For those not following, last night Q stated in a Q&A that they (Q team) were going to make a push for the details of the Seth Rich information in June. DNC gets wind of this and literally THE NEXT DAY, rushes to beat Q to the punch.

These people are incredibly fucking stupid...
u kno

maybe the dnc is actually being run by gop operatives who are deliberately rendering the dnc politically impotent

deep deep state delivered with a cheese pizza and a smile in 30 minutes or less :Hmm:
At best it shows a myopic party completely out of touch with reality. Kinda like what happens when you let teenagers run the show. In the end it is just monkeys fucking footballs.
Wow maga thread at all time low

Even the reeeeing is so boring i dont wanna read it

Reeeeing about the dnc party inner workings and random twotter spam

Holy fuk you guys cant even find something to reeee about these days new low :lol:
A lawsuit brought by a US political party targeting Russia for interfering in a foreign countries elections..

That is a really long way from boring. May not be considered MAGA due to the sheer stupidity shown by the DNC.. but it is most certainly newsworthy
I wonder if what kind of precedent that would set against US interest abroad? You can clearly see this is never going to fly... right? So why would supposed smart people do this... to what end?
God damn! I should file a lawsuit against Russia and the Demparty. They fuckin ruined my afternoon nap a coupla times. Fuck!

sent from *magic device* using Tapatalk
I would think Bashar al-Assad would be watching this case with great interest. The DNC realizes theirs is, in cold hard reality, opinion, right? Therefore anyone with an opinion and power in any country would be afforded the same rights... you know, level playing field believers that the Dems are.

Someone has pointed that out to them I assume.
Anyone else following this NXIVM sex cult story, it's like a real life "Eyes Wide Shut" with an impressive list of Hollywood and other important people involved in it.

thousands of people had bought into Raniere’s hype and taken his seminars at satellite centers across the countries, including high-profile figures like Branson, Black Entertainment Television co-founder Sheila Johnson, former US Surgeon General Antonia Novello and Emiliano Salinas, the son of former Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari.

Upon the article’s release, actress Goldie Hawn pulled out of a scheduled speaking engagement at an Nxivm event.

The dark cult with billionaires, stars, and allegations of sex slavery

Among those who signed up were Canadian actress Sarah Edmondson and India Oxenberg, the daughter of “Dynasty” star Catherine Oxenberg.

Only once the women had handed over the collateral that were they told they were now a “slave,” subservient to another slave who was now their “master,” prosecutors say.

Many of the women say they were branded near their groins with Raniere’s initials in a filmed “ceremony,” as other slaves held them down.

“It was like a bad horror movie. We even had these surgical masks on because the smell of flesh was so strong. I felt petrified. I felt — every part of my body was like: Get out of here. Run,”

Pizzagate is a conspiracy though



India Oxenberg's dad begs her to leave Nxivm 'cult' | Daily Mail Online
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Well, I never thought I would see the day where the Emo's completely lose it.
And then I read the above.

This is going to be so fun to watch. The Emo's are eating themselves alive and blaming some other entities for their own demise. This will open the door to evidence being used against them.