[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Because if it were a couple of controversies, I'd pay it no mind. But it's one, after another, after lie, after self admitted lie, after another. He is useless.

It's him campaigning for pedophiles. It's him relying on fox and friends talking points to drive ideals. It's that he chooses failed industries over proven health and environmental risks. It's his appointments are bought and paid appointees (devos in particular) . To a thousand other things.

I could go on and on. But its pointless.

Now you may disagree with these talking points, and that's fine. Backing a compulsive liar seems to be your thing.

So I'll do what i've said I'll do from the beginning, and wait for the investigation results. Only then we'll have a complete picture.

In the meantime, I'll happily refute the decisions of a shit stain dead set on not improving our country, but reversing Obama era decisions.

I mean, have you ever seen someone so butt hurt over a roasting in your life?

Trump is a child.

Can you make bullet points and explain each one in detail please because no one has any idea what you're talking about.

:lol: progress

trump/putin/pence 2040
1.3 trillion dollar budget

where are all the fiscal conservatives :lol:
Unfucking believable. Seriously... what a shit-show. Let me write the next budget and the second you read the first 2 lines, you will be crying like a little girlie-boy.

So, what do you expect the 'fiscal' conservatives to say exactly, cael?

Besides, this is all by design.

And to those of us who are preparing, we will survive. You, you will not.