[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Lol odio has to be the new dumbest poster here or he's just trolling hard idk

I think he's actually this dumb between this post and his policy on net neutrality

See you when amd hits 20 bruh :lol:

He's definitely that dumb.

Queue the net neutrality thread as proof.
so if you smoke marijuana u can't own a firearm anymore?

dang, when are they gonna take our guns away if we drink alcohol?

They ask you, point blank, on the 4473. It’s always been an issue. As long as marijuana is illegal federally, if you smoke pot and deny it on the 4473 form when purchasing a firearm, you are breaking the law.
The gun laws should be adjusted for guns in the same way they have been adjusted for marijuana. It should be, If you have a prescription and/or its legal in the state you're in, then within those states its legal for you to own/carry firearms. But not outside the states.
also i wish u were planck's constant but i kno t hat's not true b/c he became baby bew and then went super betamax like as if he worked 4 sony
Maga all day every day.

2018 will be the year of solid wage growth. Heard it here first.

We will have so many jobs. Jobs everywhere.

I know here in Indiana we have already set a State record for new jobs on the books next year. We have so many openings that our local government has to set up training programs to fill them. Free to anyone that’s wants a certificate in a trade.

You cucks gotta be sweating about MAGA.

All you have to bitch about is the cost of Trumps Thanksgiving dinner. Cry me a fucking river.
Spoken like a true believer. Only a sheople would credit a POTUS with creating a job. And yet it's almost like your praising the Trump - he who brings all that is good. Has the State become your god you MIIC serving faggot?

And yet in your ignorance and stupidity, you have that barnyard vision to label other people as "cuks" for doubting the sincerity of the Trump in his quest to build MAGA.

I bet you like shiny things?