[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

I can imagine some people do that, there are also many insane people in the world.

I'm not one to judge, but that is crazy

A native American getting off on people disrespecting their elders

dood believes anything he reads on the internet, then comes in w/ this attitude of academic authority

clever and funny!
I'd see a lot of lefty memes when I used Faceberg and read the comments. The joke in that meme is fine, but when left wing people it they don't just laugh, they believe it to be the account of a true event, then think about how this exemplifies the wickedness of the right wing, and it leaves them with an angry feeling. Like if left wing people scroll left wing memes it just makes them feel more angry.
I think the sources that are peer-reviewed and fact checked are generally reliable. I believe this is the reason conservatives hate Wikipedia. When a mistake is made and discovered, they correct it.
Ahh yes, Jewpedia.

I think my all-time favorite mistake that they corrected was "a man born to a family".

Good times
Good times
IIRC, circa 2003-04ish or so, Israel was offering classes to Jews on how to edit wiki pages, take over wiki pages, and control all the information posted on wiki to make Jews look good. In other words, remove all negative information about Jewish people and their history. This is when everyone with a functioning brain began to refer to that site as Jewpedia.

IIRC, circa 2003-04ish or so, Israel was offering classes to Jews on how to edit wiki pages, take over wiki pages, and control all the information posted on wiki to make Jews look good. In other words, remove all negative information about Jewish people and their history. This is when everyone with a functioning brain began to refer to that site as Jewpedia.


a beautiful mind