[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

have some respect for the middle-aged malding hogtender

everything is rosy when the hogs are slipping singles into the tip jar

have some respect for the middle-aged malding hogtender

everything is rosy when the hogs are slipping singles into the tip jar


u ok bro?

Pelosi deciding who the republicans can have on their own committee for the first time in the history of the house...I hope when republicans get back into power some day they have fun with this new precedent.
They put themselves in this position by voting down the bi-partisan commission in late May.
The commission proposal was designed to allow the repubs to name their own members, and the dems to name their own members, in equal number. (5 dems, 5 repubs, hand picked by each side).

They didn't want to do it because they knew it would demonstrate their complicity in the riot, and at that time the republican supporters were halfway between the "it's antifa making us look bad" and the "ok so it wasn't antifa, but it wasn't a big deal, there were no guns etc." phases of looking back on the riot.

So they felt they would get away with avoiding an investigation (and being complicit) without backlash from supporters.
As a result, the dems started their own commission, and have still asked for repubs to be part of it.
But it's theirs, rather than bi-partisan by design.

Unfortunately for the repubs, the supporters have now moved onto the "it was the FBI entrapping otherwise good and patriotic trump supporters. We need to find out who shot ashli and just how corrupt the FBI was seeking to make trump look bad and eventually bar him from future office. It was all a long con!"

So now, as a virtue signal, repubs have to pretend they want a commission and they are playing victim as usual with regard to who gets to choose members of the commission (even though they have caused this to be the case by voting down the original commission in May) as a pre-text to calling it all a sham so they can avoid complicity again.

Of course, the delightful thing about the current "It was the FBI!" narrative that is pushing the repub supporters to call for the repubs to do this commission, is that now all the supporters are primed to say "repubs and dems are all in on it, they were all complicit in stealing the election from trump and then staging the riot to prevent trump running again, so this commission is bullshit."
so that's both nice and awkward for repubs.
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Why didnt they just vote for the commission to investigate January 6th? Still nobody has an answer to that.

Very odd. Its almost as if they really dont care and pretend to care only when it benefits them.
Maybe the Republicans initially "voted down" the commission because they correctly foresaw this turning into a partisan circus act by the Democrats... and Nancy Pelosi deciding which Republicans sit on the commission pretty much affirms the notion that all of this is political theater.
ya sorry
i can't afford this much fucking whiskey dude

Take shot every time someone claims an insurrection took place.

implies it is the greatest threat to democracy in the history of the United States.

someone claims to have been "terrorized".

uses the word "deadly"

tells an anecdotal story that involves their child growing up in "that kind of America"
Maybe the Republicans initially "voted down" the commission because they correctly foresaw this turning into a partisan circus act by the Democrats... and Nancy Pelosi deciding which Republicans sit on the commission pretty much affirms the notion that all of this is political theater.

that's the setup of the current commission. which is only happening because they voted against the original commission.

the proposal for the original commission says:
(a) MEMBERS.—The Commission shall be composed of ten members, of whom—
(1) one member shall be appointed jointly by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the majority leader of the Senate to serve as Chair person of the Commission;
(2) one member shall be appointed jointly by the minority leader of the House of Representatives and the minority leader of the Senate to serve as Vice Chairperson of the Commission;
(3) two members shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives;
(4) two members shall be appointed by the minority leader of the House of Representatives;
(5) two members shall be appointed by the majority leader of the Senate; and
(6) two members shall be appointed by the minority leader of the Senate.

( https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-117hr3233ih/pdf/BILLS-117hr3233ih.pdf )

they did this to themselves.
but by all means - carry on dancing to their tune.
January 6th testimony showing how much Trump supporters hate Law and Order that they falsely claim to love, while hitting cops over the head with BlueLivesMatter signs.