[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

When I heard Maxines call to violence I bought a 12 pack of soy drinks and 5 gallons of gasoline to get this rager started for my queen
Snooki made a deal with someone to write her a book about being Snooki. That just goes to show how good at deal making Snooki is, which is more reason to buy the book.
I doubt she even made that deal or had any idea what a ghostwriter was. But i believe her first book made it to the NYT best seller list for a period of time
like any of these idiots "wrote" their own book


ANY of the Clintons?



Kim Kardashian (LOL)


It's just a money scheme. It's not like they are trying to "get their side of a story out".

They are all egotist and I wouldn't read their books if they were giving them out.
like any of these idiots "wrote" their own book


ANY of the Clintons?



Kim Kardashian (LOL)


It's just a money scheme. It's not like they are trying to "get their side of a story out".

They are all egotist and I wouldn't read their books if they were giving them out.

sources ehhh say no to obama using a ghost writer
his wife did though
Did Obama Use a Ghostwriter on New Memoir, ? | Observer
Trump was just... the reeeee that guy could generate was epic. God damn guy could cause the regressives in the media to lose their shit over the most trivial shit ever. That was one of the most entertaining 4-years in politics I have lived through but also one of the scariest.

I think we all witnessed just how dangerous the controlled media is. It caused families to fall apart over 1 man and really helped to implement the totalitarian ideology we see in modern day progressives.
i've said it before and i'll say it again the last 4 years was truly amazing and the best time for politics that i can remember