[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread v2

lmao you moron


HAHAHAHAHAHAH oh man, between you and vanster, not even half a brain.
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Independents do NOT like Biden and they only voted for him because they didn't like Trump.

Desantis can pull the independents, and a good chunk of the GOP. Hell, if the DNC decides to run Biden again...I think some dems will vote Desantis as well.

Nikki is going to announce soon. She could be a wildcard, and a potential running mate for Desantis.

Haley is full RINO
sorry i ever bought her idiotic origin story book
you've caught the omb msm virus and worse

follow the money flowing toward DeSantis
I remember when LimpLindsey talked a decent game
desantis didnt make that quote. That quote comes from a transgender satirist

The transgender guy was quoting DeSantis. He did say that, exactly as quoted. I don't know if Cobain wore a dress "on stage," but he was known to wear Love's dresses to press conferences he didn't want to attend. Bowie wore dresses on stage from time to time.


:rofl: Figures. Either way, Van couldn't read the sentence. That's what really matters.

I don't normally respond to you, so enjoy it, ok? When you are busy telling everyone how stupid they are, you're swerving way out of your lane. You can call juggernaut stupid, as he is stupider than you. You can call Reggs stupid, as he is your contemporary. That's it. That's all you get. That's where you live.
Ah fuck.

Okay, I stepped in it. I was TOLD that the quote had been fact-checked and whatnot, and stupidly believed it.

It makes much more sense that DeSantis has no idea who Bowie and Cobain were. Several people said the quote had been fact-checked, and I ran with it. I was wrong.
I wonder what else you don't realize you are wrong about..

Well, you can believe what you like about that, as I don't have any control there. I will say that a couple of people have tried to step to me in the diet thread, and don't have a pot to piss in, as mammalian metabolic pathways are in my wheelhouse.

There are lots of people that hate my politics and call me stupid, but only a few I respond to earnestly. You're one, Havax is another, Fool is also on the podium.
Ah fuck.

Okay, I stepped in it. I was TOLD that the quote had been fact-checked and whatnot, and stupidly believed it.

It makes much more sense that DeSantis has no idea who Bowie and Cobain were. Several people said the quote had been fact-checked, and I ran with it. I was wrong.

god damn tonto :lol:
Sure. I mean it was perfectly logical to think desantis said bowie was manly. Requires zero critical thinking skills to work that one out on your own