Maybe the Mac peple have it right

Who uses HELP in programs anyway? That's like reading the EULA or the balloon tips. If I don't know, I just google it.
OP really should get a Mac. It's quite clear he's the exact demographic they're after: computer illiterate.
Lol. Nerd virgins circle jerk each other...

Yeah, it's his fault that the registry gets fucked up, not because the OS is an open fucking box to applications.

Mac OS is way more optimized and lock down then Winblowz.
Lol. Nerd virgins circle jerk each other...

Yeah, it's his fault that the registry gets fucked up, not because the OS is an open fucking box to applications.

Mac OS is way more optimized and lock down then Winblowz.

OH EM GEE! "Winblowz"! That's a cool fucking name, because it's like "Windows" (which is what everyone usually calls it), but changes it to be like "blows", which suggests the product isn't very good.. but spells it with a "z", which makes it even cooler!

You're fucking cool, Ender. I might just go out and buy a Mac so I can be cool like you, too.

In other news, the OS is not responsible for the applications it runs, nor the users who run them doing foolish things. MS Windows has the vast majority of development for it, and as such is susceptible to far more problems. That's not a reflection of how inherently 'safe' the OS is, more about its market penetration.