Maryland passes gay marriage

States' rights.

p.s. I think it's great. It shits on the heavily religious nature of marriage and is a win for personal liberty.

I still don't think they should be able to adopt though. :shrug:
Dunno why people care. Two men or women getting married isn't going to affect your life in any way. Never understood all the hate, I just never cared :shrug:
Maryland = Merryland
Look at it this way.

The increase in marriage licenses
are bound to increase, ergo ..... mo money.

Peeps get too hung up on the sexual aspect of life..................

Mofo is law abiding ?
Mofo works ?
Mofo contributes to stimulating the local economy ?
Mofo minds own "bidness" .......?

"I" personally don't give a fuck what other peeps do in the privacy of the "boudior"