[Mark my words, TW] Tim Pawlenty is the next U.S. President

Is there anyone that has a chance in hell from the GOP?

Yes, but he won't run.

What I do realize is that the executive branch has the power of veto. Do you realize that? Realize it really realize it
How many times would it take to veto a legislature hell-bent on spending and taxing before you got your own way? No, I need a number. How many times?
Tim will have anybody killed that thinks they have a chance againts him! mother fucker had paul wellstone killed! he might be a good president!
yes, we need an entertainer in the office, not someone that can actually do the job. i agree.

Communicating is one of the most vital skills for any prez. Boring the shit out of your audience is not representative of someone with the needed skills.

Not that I dislike Pawlenty at all.
Communicating is one of the most vital skills for any prez. Boring the shit out of your audience is not representative of someone with the needed skills.
Typical retard view: associating communication skills with entertainment value.

This children, is why the country has been fucked for a century and will only worsen.

By golly, I want a President that can woo me with his entertaining words! ... and out comes Obama.
Communicating is one of the most vital skills for any prez.
Yes, take for instance how President Netanyahu communicated that Obama should mind his own f*ckin' business. Obama ended up looking like a little kid that got sent to the principle's office.
I think Perry need to stay right where he is...

But this guy Pawlenty...a guy can go far with a head o' hair like that.