marble slab skullduggery

If he paused in the middle of scooping, it means he realized his error halfway through but figured he could get away with it.

Next time you see him give him a quick 1-2 stab to the gut with a shank.
it's pretty sweet that Obibun has been sharing some of his valuable experience from the service industry with us this week :bigthumb:

the more you know
yeah that's true I do order products from food service restaurants on a semi regular basis

I guess you could say I have experience
K so walk in there in your uniform, slam the container down on the counter, pull your service pistol, and explain too him ther error of his ways.
If he paused in the middle of scooping, it means he realized his error halfway through but figured he could get away with it.

Next time you see him give him a quick 1-2 stab to the gut with a shank.

going with what coombz said

your experience at marble slab creamery has been invaluable in providing us with true insider knowledge of the ice cream scooping industry

on behalf of a grateful public, thank you
No probs bro

to piggyback on what coombz and glare said

the lessons you have learned during the span of your life with the vast amount of time you have invested at marble slab creamery and in the ice cream scooping industry have truly made you a subject matter expert who overshadows anyone else in that culinary field.

it is with the utmost sincerity and humble appreciation that the rest of the world thanks you. your mentorship and lessons will be passed on for generations to come.