Man jumps White House fence and body slams dog

Pathetic. Obama and his minions wanted to make the place like Disney World, one of them even said that in an interview.

They need the fence to be like Buckingham palace, with guards walking back and forth with guns you can see. People have still got through, but the White House is really slacking lately.
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its funny, the president wants fences and guns surrounding his home but he doesnt think the border needs a fence and citizens dont have rights to own guns. ironic how a liberals mind works.
you could only become marginally more stupid if you tried

i kno u can do it
lol at all the people in the comments freaking out because he kicked a dog.

motherfuckers, if you were being attacked by attack dogs that would just as soon rip your throat out, you'd be kicking the fucker too.

fucking idiots. i hate 'em.
heres hoping a dog kicks havax to death
no, dealy eats the meat

otherwise he wouldn't have such big bacon bitch tits

but he only eats kosher meat that has been blessed by his obamasiah