
Veteran XX
You can't even put a video card in a mac pro (with an intel processor running snow leopard) unless you buy the shitty apple branded cards, what a pile of shit computer.

Such loser piece of shit computers
The difference today is literally whether or not you hit CTRL or CMD, that's about it.
Ive never had an adobe program crash on windows 7, not even on my shitty laptop

maybe 15 years ago when you were worried about bus speed that was an issue but it's all just marketing and hogwash in modern computers
At this point, I have no idea. I used them when I was in school and they were loads better than the laptop I was running shit on. It was also an older laptop that had a lot of shit on it which is probably why it crashed a lot.

I honestly like Macs. I don't own one, but I plan on owning one some day. I really just think they look nice. I guess what I'm saying is that some day, I'll pay for a designer computer, but it won't be any time soon.
But that's not what my original choice was based on. :(

I own a pretty bitching non-Mac laptop now. It's sort of ugly, but I love it because it functions and does what I want/need it to do.
Honestly these days there are simply good products and bad products. Brand means nothing. "Samsung makes the best TVs". Granted, but mine still wound up flickering randomly due to a bad power supply board on my particular model. PCs vs Mac is pure personal preference. There are quality machines for both, and lemons for both. To say one is superior is purely arbitrary.
My only argument against Apple products is the premium to price (and the proprietary nonsense i made this thread about) which isn't justified with the similarity of the experience.

So you guys know I made this thread because the thread I made asking for help only got flames in response. I hoped I could flip the script and AmRam would come in here and tell me all the wonderful ways to install non proprietary video cards in a mac. After a ton of googling I had my buddy buy a cheap card we are going to try and flash to work with the EFI bios.
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Arguing justification on the price of hardware is kind of silly when discussing software, considering that it costs almost as much to update Adobe Creative Suite as is does to replace your whole computer.
adobe is a subscription service now, anybody who needs multiple adobe products is basically priced out of actually owning the software.
Arguing justification on the price of hardware is kind of silly when discussing software, considering that it costs almost as much to update Adobe Creative Suite as is does to replace your whole computer.

Whoa, what? When I was paying for Adobe CS3, they said it would only cost $84 to update to CS4.

I don't even know what they're on anymore. CS6? I should's on this computer..Shows how much I've been using it lately.
the adobe subscription thing actually sounds like a decent deal for small businesses.

i think the flyer i got in the mail said $30/mo. for the creative suite package of all (or most) the adobe stuff.

although if you don't need the latest version all the time, you can go on eBay and buy about two versions back for like 15% of the price. usually you can also use that older license to get the newest version upgrade price direct from adobe. go this route and you end up with the latest version at less than half the normal price.

i wonder if adobe is realizing that if they didn't price it so high, the common consumer (not just design businesses) would actually buy the latest version, and that would make up for the lowered cost easily. sure thats what elements is for, but nobody really wants to buy a product with half the features cut, even if they probably won't use whats missing.