Lyrica Users?


Veteran XX
My Endocrinologist reduced my gabapentin and added lyrica today. I have not received it yet so haven't tried it. Will be using it for diabetic neuropathy. Internet is all over the place on it's effectiveness and side affects. Anyone have experience with this drug?
gabapentin and pregabalin(lyrica) are essentially the same

lyrica is just a more potent/active form of gabapentin since gabapentin's active dosage can go up to like 5 grams or something ridiculous

my dad said it didn't do shit, along w/ cymbalta for DN, but it was great for sleep

i took gaba for sleep, its ok
You're in this fun place I like to call "It doesn't matter what anyone else says; Here's how I feel".

These types of medications require constant adjustment, so what's good for you means jack shit to anyone else. Try it and see. Good luck!

Also lose some fucking weight.
I personally prefer the 600mg Gabapentin I'm currently taking. It's a bit harsher whereas Lyrica is a bit smoother. Also there is a class action against Lyrica.

Eat properly, DO NOT drink diet soda, and STAY THE FUCK AWAY from any of the sugar subs. Doing the above will help reduce your neuropathy pain exponentially. All the best.
I weigh 190. I don't drink anything but water and the occasional glass of milk. I only eat things with heart symbols on them.

I've had 3 heart attacks. Don't have high blood pressure (average 115/70) Don't have high cholesterol (average 190) Don't have family history.

Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes. Disc crushing spinal cord at T6.

It is what it is, bad luck.

I was fine with up to 1800mg gabapentin. But something happened and I stopped tolerating it and began passing the fuck out. Been at 600mg lately but that isn't working.

Tried cymbalta but that ended quickly with serotonin syndrome
I thought this thread said "Lycra Users" - You could've had another 500 page thread with pictures of women in tight clothing
It gave me shingles. Bad. I was in pain management for 13+ years, wound up on Suboxone Buprenophrine for 8 of those. Been off of it (Bupe) now for 1 yr 8+ mos after jumping at 24MG a day. In lots of pain now and then and never been happier. 100% pain med free for almost 2 years.

But you do what you have to. Just be aware shingles appear to be common wth Lyrica. Hurt lke hell.
24mg of bupe a day

holy god

i tried it once just to get fucked up

like .5mg was like a speedy 30mg dose of roxy
It gave me shingles. Bad. I was in pain management for 13+ years, wound up on Suboxone Buprenophrine for 8 of those. Been off of it (Bupe) now for 1 yr 8+ mos after jumping at 24MG a day. In lots of pain now and then and never been happier. 100% pain med free for almost 2 years.

But you do what you have to. Just be aware shingles appear to be common wth Lyrica. Hurt lke hell.

I take Gabapentin because of the nerve damaged caused by shingles.

[so] Stop being non compliant.
Lyrica is used to control seizures and to treat fibromyalgia. It is also used to treat pain caused by nerve damage in people with diabetes (diabetic neuropathy), herpes zoster (post-herpetic neuralgia, or neuropathic pain associated with spinal cord injury.
Herpes zoster is the virus responsible for shingles and chicken pox

Herpes simplex is the virus you were trying to make a joke of
[so] Stop being non compliant.

"neuropathic pain associated with spinal cord injury"

All of the disks in my back and neck are...compressed. Lower back, 2 herniated, 3 bulging per the last MRI. I think I took a tumble through a car windshield or something like that around age 4/5, then ran in front of a car's front at the wrong was already in motion at speed, at age 10. But yeah...prolly Herpes. (Like most people, I did have chicken pox afterall AND I grew up in a time when they were vaccinating for shit with experimental rocket fuels and toxic waste products)

The shingles only appeared on my arms and hands, I stopped the meds. It never got any worse. I had severe burns on my arms and hands as a child.

Another weird thing, I never got the smallpox vaccination. When most others my age did.
This thread makes me happy that only my knee, back and colon are showing their age. You lot are all in fucking bits.
This thread makes me happy that only my knee, back and colon are showing their age. You lot are all in fucking bits.

Knee back and colon...meaning you can sit but may or may not be able to shit, or may or may not be able to quit shitting. Let's hope in either case, you are able to sit for long periods, or limp on the bad knee really really fast. :)