Lusty Limbaugh's Turgid Member

I'm ok paying for peoples birth control. In fact, I think birth control should be mandatory. Thin out the herd a little
WTF is your fucking problem?

You want fucking prevention GOVERNMENT SUPPLIED
Why is that?
Bullshit liberal faggot..if you want to fuck pay the price one way or another. Maybe you will learn


it's a women's health issue

why is viagra ok for men but birth control sinful/immoral for women??

all you republitards are the same

retarded and stuck in the 1950's

if we had it your way black people would be drinking from different fountains and women would be doing laundry all day. fucking pathetic, go back to your cave
Should the gov't mandate that insurance companies must provide free condoms for men? Or free viagra?

I just don't get this as a woman's issue or a religious issue. It just looks like gov't over reach to me.

As far as Limbaugh, he's an entertainer. It's like Chris Rock saying nigger in his act. Lolzz at the amount of press this is getting.
I'm ok paying for peoples birth control. In fact, I think birth control should be mandatory. Thin out the herd a little

Not only that, I'm totally willing to pay for women's abortions and sterilization. Way WAY cheaper than what we're doing now.

it's a women's health issue

why is viagra ok for men but birth control sinful/immoral for women??

all you republitards are the same

retarded and stuck in the 1950's

if we had it your way black people would be drinking from different fountains and women would be doing laundry all day. fucking pathetic, go back to your cave

What in the fucking fuck are you babbling about?
Who (in this thread/forum) said "birth control is sinful/immoral for women"?

The TW as a popularity contest! :lol: You haven't seen the number of my neg reps nor know that I was banned at one time.

Since you're moronic enough to even take that seriously, I will humor you with a serious response.
A. You get neg reps for a reason (mostly :ftard:)
B. I had 3 people neg-stalking me for months. Example: 30 negs in 24 hours from the same person before Rayn "fixed" the code for rep.
C. I've also been banned.
D. You're an idiot for still reading what I am writing.

Not only that, I'm totally willing to pay for women's abortions and sterilization. Way WAY cheaper than what we're doing now.

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WTF is your fucking problem?

You want fucking prevention GOVERNMENT SUPPLIED
Why is that?
Bullshit liberal faggot..if you want to fuck pay the price one way or another. Maybe you will learn
ScooBySnaCk is middle of the road and hates all extremists, guys.

Just don't attack Rush when he's around. You liberal faggots.
The inability of Tigran to comprehend DrMeithos's plain English on page 1 made me :lol:.


it's a women's health issue

why is viagra ok for men but birth control sinful/immoral for women??

The opposition believes it would not be ok to force insurance companies to cover Viagra.
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Shit thread, shit poster.

This is a democrat party manufactured controversy (just like this thread) that started off with Sandra Fluke supposedly being thrown out of a Congressional hearing she was never invited to or approved of to testify. It was a hearing on whether or not the President had the authority to tell the church what it will provide. Had absolutely nothing to do with what democrats claimed and staged the entire walk out and ensured the media was there to report it.

Lines Crossed: Separation Of Church & State. Has The Obama Admin. Trampled On Freedom Of Religion? | Full Committee Hearing

It wasnt a contraception hearing that the democrats are lying about.

Fluke is a democratic shill and known feminist trotted out as a student when in reality, she is a "reproductive rights" activist fighting the good fight against "reproductive oppression" (lol). She isnt 23 years old as portrayed by the democrats, but instead, 30 years old as revealed on the Today show with Matt Lauer. Democrats also failed to mention she is a past president of LSRJ.

Law Students for Reproductive Justice

Anytime you hear "_______ [Social, Environmental, etc.] Justice", you know its far left wing. This entire manufactured bullshit is a setup for an election year when democrats know they are struggling to get voters.

Bonus leftist stupidity: Women like this always scream about keeping our hands off their body (lol, ORLY?) but on the other hand, they want to have their hands in our wallets because they cant afford their sex lives and we need to subsidize their irresponsibility.

Imagine that.
I forgot to address this double standard when it comes to calling women sluts:

“And what do the Republicans thinking about?” Schultz said. “They’re not thinking about their next-door neighbor. They’re just thinking about how much this is going to cost. President Obama is going to be visiting Joplin, Mo., on Sunday but you know what they’re talking about, like this right-wing slut, what’s her name?, Laura Ingraham? Yeah, she’s a talk slut.

Ed Schultz | Laura Ingraham | Right Wing Slut | The Daily Caller

Its only justifiable when a far left show host says it, because you know, they're just being honest and TELLING THE TRUTH.

Cue moar faux outrage over Sandra "Reproductive Justice" Fluke.

can the reproductive rights activists (whatever the fuck that means) tell me where in the constitution it says you have the right to have sex and the government must provide you with a condom or a birth control pill?
Bonus leftist stupidity: Women like this always scream about keeping our hands off their body (lol, ORLY?) but on the other hand, they want to have their hands in our wallets because they cant afford their sex lives and we need to subsidize their irresponsibility.
On the other hand, women are asking for help in controlling the birth rate in America (that's what this really boils down to, right? Unplanned pregnancy?). I figured the Republican party would be all over this considering their hatred of welfare bonuses for women with children.
rubbers don't cost that much. if a bitch can't afford to buy a rubber maybe she should keep her legs closed.
On the other hand, women are asking for help in controlling the birth rate in America (that's what this really boils down to, right? Unplanned pregnancy?). I figured the Republican party would be all over this considering their hatred of welfare bonuses for women with children.
That's thinking too far in the future for them to want to do anything about it. Lowering the unwanted birthrate won't lower crime and welfare all that much until they're safely out of office. On the other hand, pandering to the crusaders who can't stomach the fact that young people have sex pays off NOW.

Screw prevention, if crime's on the rise, let's just build more prisons. Those are profitable, right?
Whats funny is
1) Birth control is used for more things than having sex
2) The speech she gave was about her friend who is a lesbian
3) The government isn't paying for shit, it's about private insurance, WHICH YOU PAY INTO
4) Rush is a blowhard who fucks boys/girls in the Dominican Republic.
5) Rush doesn't know how birth control works, because he said she is having so much sex and that is why it is costing her 3k a year.
On the other hand, women are asking for help in controlling the birth rate in America (that's what this really boils down to, right? Unplanned pregnancy?). I figured the Republican party would be all over this considering their hatred of welfare bonuses for women with children.

no, the republican agenda is one of personal responsibility, so the logical extrapolation of this agenda is one where women are forced to have children whenever they fuck and subsequently have both them and their offspring justly suffer for their lack of foresight when they find that they can not simultaneously support their families and adequately raise their children. the benefit to society of this suffering is the provision of a valuable cautionary tale combined with the delicious schadenfreude of fat sexless white men as they tut tut away in moral indignation at the lack of control of the lower classes.