[LOST] They were fucking dead all along ...

why did jacob's brother turn into a smoke monster when he went down the hole, but desmond (and then jack) were fine? I could see someone theorizing that desmond's resistance to electro magnetism (which was never explained btw) was somehow relevant, but jack at that point was the same as jacob / his brother were when he got tossed down the well.

It can be argued that the man in black was turned into concentrated evil by coming into contact with the light, since he was not protected like Desmond or Jack/Jacob. It seems like the two brothers were born as exact opposites, with Jacob destined to defend the island and the light, and the man in black(rumor is his name was supposed to be Samuel) destined to destroy it. Maybe some of the evil that the cork was stopping spilled into him, who knows.
Why didn't the smoke monster just kill everyone on the first day? I mean COME ONE classic bad guy mistake there. He pulled a Goldfinger on that one
The finale was what is was, which was exactly what the show became during the third season: LAZY WRITING.

I watched the finale because I was curious if anything actually would have made sense at the end, and it was just filled with characters rolling their eyes into the back of their heads and speaking in tongues.

Good science fiction can do whatever it wants, but what is important is rigor in establishing and sticking to the rules of the Universe that is created. With Lost after the third season it just became painfully obvious that the writers were still just making shit up as they went along without taking any time to establish any boundaries. IOW, pure laziness.

It's unfortunate because the characters were interesting, but the plot was such crap that it was almost impossible to stomach.

To those defending the show, tell me:

Why do the numbers 4, 15, 23, 24, 35 42 bring bad luck?

What should piss off people who watched this show is they spent shitloads of time hypothesizing what everything meant, only to find out that in the end the majority of the 'mysteries' were just bullshit pulled out of a lazy writers asshole.
The Cylons had a plan too

the Prisoner well started right back at the begning

Alias, I lost track after the 2nd episode

X-files explained everything!
The finale was what is was, which was exactly what the show became during the third season: LAZY WRITING.

I watched the finale because I was curious if anything actually would have made sense at the end, and it was just filled with characters rolling their eyes into the back of their heads and speaking in tongues.

Good science fiction can do whatever it wants, but what is important is rigor in establishing and sticking to the rules of the Universe that is created. With Lost after the third season it just became painfully obvious that the writers were still just making shit up as they went along without taking any time to establish any boundaries. IOW, pure laziness.

It's unfortunate because the characters were interesting, but the plot was such crap that it was almost impossible to stomach.

To those defending the show, tell me:

Why do the numbers 4, 15, 23, 24, 35 42 bring bad luck?

What should piss off people who watched this show is they spent shitloads of time hypothesizing what everything meant, only to find out that in the end the majority of the 'mysteries' were just bullshit pulled out of a lazy writers asshole.

I bet you're a real good writer.

(you suck)
Listen you dumb cunts claiming the island was real and shit, and listen close.

Jack closed his eyes and they all crossed over. THE FUCKING END.

Even in the other "sideways" storyline in season six, they all came to the realisation they had to "leave" and not leave the island, they had to leave purgatory.

Now, to claim any other existential bullshit about the whole series of Lost is just utter fanboy talk sticking up for a show that fucked you in the ass for 6 years producing a stockholm syndrome so bad that you are filling in blanks with your own fucking imagination. God, fuck you dumb cunts who say I don't "get" it. The show fucked itself in the ass in Season 6 without explaining anything, except the smoke was some dude who was chucked down a hole and was pretty pissed off.

Seriously ... you dumb pricks are deluding yourselves to believe the creators have any faith in the intellect of the American audience, and this show proves that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
lol u mad
The island was not purgatory. The "sideways" storyline was their afterlife. Some of them died on the island. Some of them didn't.

The creators of the show explicitly said after season 2 that the island is a real place and they are physically there. It is not purgatory or afterlife or astral plane or some other mystical jibber jabber.

Your wife's theory was unoriginal and answered 4 years ago. Sorry pal. :shrug:
Why do the numbers 4, 15, 23, 24, 35 42 bring bad luck?

A better question would be why were the numbers the code for the computer in the hatch when Jacob and his candidates had nothing to do with the Dharma Initiative.
Why didn't he kill them after Jack became the new Jacob (they wouldn't have been candidates anymore)? Why didn't he kill Kate any time he wanted (major bloops when you think about it).

Because then jack wouldnt have led him to the fountain?
i'm guessing Smokey could get to the fountain whenever he wanted but couldn't do anything to it without desmond.

and the numbers is basically answered by "it's a weird island with magical properties." even if you've answered what the numbers are you can still go further down the rabbit hole. that's why them not answering the egyptian stuff doesn't bother me. you could just go into who were the original masters of the Island ad nauseum.
Why didn't he kill them after Jack became the new Jacob (they wouldn't have been candidates anymore)? Why didn't he kill Kate any time he wanted (major bloops when you think about it).

They couldn't kill each other.

Fucking retards.

This show was made for college graduates, not dumb idiots working full time at Burger King.
They couldn't kill each other.

Fucking retards.

This show was made for college graduates, not dumb idiots working full time at Burger King.

uhh wat.......

Then how could smokey kill other people but not be able to kill Kate?
uhh wat.......

Then how could smokey kill other people but not be able to kill Kate?


The MiB couldn't kill Jack after he became new jacob.

The MiB didn't kill the others when Jack became the new jacob because 1) the candidate status was still protecting them or 2) MiB didn't give a shit, he just wanted to get off the island. Killing them was a waste of time as they couldn't do anything to him.

PS. go to college.