Looking for video of the African hunter that kills animals right in front of him

Ok, I'm not some anti hunting activist. Hell I own a hunting license. As long as the hunting is legal I have no problem with it. That guy probably makes videos because of the obscene amounts of money needed to pay for Big Game licenses in Tanzania.

Also keep in mind that in many game preserves BECAUSE of all the work done to protect these animals, a certain overpopulation is not unheard of. I know that in Krueger Park they had to take down some Elephants because they were killing other animals and basically causing havoc, while the rest of the animal population was well up to what it should be. And I don't really think this dude could sell videos of it if he was Poaching these animals. Most likely completely legal.

However, the video showed multiple people firing at the animals. They were also using what looked to be 50 caliber elephant guns. Not very sporting if you ask me. Seems more primal to me. The videos still made me nautious and it wasn't the blood or death. Would have been nice to know the video was made over the course of a year or two. But we don't know that.
Mael said:
Ok, I'm not some anti hunting activist. Hell I own a hunting license. As long as the hunting is legal I have no problem with it. That guy probably makes videos because of the obscene amounts of money needed to pay for Big Game licenses in Tanzania.

Also keep in mind that in many game preserves BECAUSE of all the work done to protect these animals, a certain overpopulation is not unheard of. I know that in Krueger Park they had to take down some Elephants because they were killing other animals and basically causing havoc, while the rest of the animal population was well up to what it should be. And I don't really think this dude could sell videos of it if he was Poaching these animals. Most likely completely legal.

However, the video showed multiple people firing at the animals. They were also using what looked to be 50 caliber elephant guns. Not very sporting if you ask me. Seems more primal to me. The videos still made me nautious and it wasn't the blood or death. Would have been nice to know the video was made over the course of a year or two. But we don't know that.
This is true,

btw they were shooting a .700 nitro Express


Ya i knew it was a double rifle just didn't know which. My gun knowlege doesn't really go into that area :p
I chose not to watch the videos and from reading the past 3 pages i made the right decsion. I can't stand to watch stupid mother fuckers with obviously small balls shoot an animal for nothing more than sport.
Flash said:
I chose not to watch the videos and from reading the past 3 pages i made the right decsion. I can't stand to watch stupid mother fuckers with obviously small balls shoot an animal for nothing more than sport.
I just threw up a little when I watched that clip. This is disgusting. I understand hunting to control overpopulation (I'm from IA, we have a FUCK load of deer) but this is ridiculous.

It's coming right for us! BAM! "You bet!"
I can see the Hippos's and the bull thing but the elephants is a bit much.

but damn, that lion almost wated the dude, charged into 4 guys with guns and makes it out (kinda)
[SES]BaNsHee said:
That lion charging looks like one of the scariest things that could happen to you. :scared:

try spearfishing and a huge shark is heading right for ya for the first time. Your asshole tightens right up!
this guy is such an inbred hick... he looks like the most unathletic piece of shit you could find... he waits for an animal to get close to him then he shoots it in the head and screams 'you bet' i mean what the fuck how is that even a challenge...