[London] No power for you.

There is a new Commander at our Camp. I'm not sure if this is an improvement yet. He has revealed plans to expand the camp acreage. His reasoning; Slave Labor. Of course, he did not title his PowerPoint presentation that way. He makes an attempt to strongly persuade the captive audience of Wardens and Internment administrations that the cause of the recent violence at the FEMA Camps is because the inmates have an overwhelming sense of futility and defeat.

No Kidding! But he goes on to say the Commanders must give the inmates a feeling of being 'invested' in their own 'well-being'. How will we do this? We will implement a schedule of Positive Uniform General Nationalized Agriculture and Crafting Infrastructure for Occupants and Security. P.U.G.N.A.C.I.O.S.?! IS HE KIDDING? WHO MAKES THESE ACRONYMS?! RIDICULOUS CONGLOMERATIONS OF LETTERS CHANGE NOTHING! THIS IS SLAVE LABOR PURE AND SIMPLE!

The Commander went to say that people in the Camps are violent, moody, depressed, and aggressive because they are idle all day and have no tasks to occupy their minds and hands!

(Search for "Letters From a FEMA Camp" via FB)

Yet another in a long line of absolutely BRUTAL self-ownings by our resident faux-scholar. Mr. Green's spunk must be slowly poisoning his mind. What a fucking life.