lol @ conservative snowflakes

MC Hamster

Veteran XX
Newspaper edits out Dallas same-sex couple's reference in obit

Basically, local newsrag editor (who is also a baptist minister) decided he'd edit an obituary to remove mention of the husband of the deceased's son, because his sky wizard said so.


In the obit sent to the newspaper, Giles wrote "Those left to cherish her memory include her son, Barry Giles and his husband, John Gambill of Dallas.”

But when the obit was published in the Olton Enterprise in Giles' hometown, Gambill wasn't in there.

“It wiped John completely off the picture like he didn't exist,” Giles said.

Gambill called the newspaper publisher right away.

“I said, ‘Why was my name left out?’ And he said, ‘Because I wanted to.’ And that's all there was to the conversation,” Gambill said. “Of course, I had a few choice words to say to him.”

The newspaper's publisher, Phillip Hamilton, says he's a bi-vocational Baptist pastor. He declined an interview but said in a statement, “It is my religious conviction that a male cannot have a husband. It is also my belief that to publish anything contrary to God's Word on this issue would be to publish something in the newspaper that is not true."

:lol: What a good Christian. He doesn't believe in the law, so it must be wrong.
I think you're confusing who the outraged parties are here.

I'm not trying to excuse the over-reacting folks shitting on their Facebook page, but the dude couldn't handle even making a passing reference to a perfectly legally married couple, so changed someone's Obit (which is pretty fucked up).

He got triggered, they got triggered. Everyone's triggered, all the time.
I also like the implication that there are no pigheaded religious liberals.
1 dude made a ignorant and mean spirited choice, not really a scathing indictment of snowflake conservatives

I just find it funny that one hypothetical incident of some green-haired college lesbian saying something utterly retarded will get... certain individuals all riled up and generally sperging out over SJWs, yet point out something equally stupid from the other side and the excuses and mitigation kicks in.
is that a surprise to you

do you not remember the hillbilly that wouldnt sign marriage licenses because jesus and mike huckabee called her an american hero :lol:

this is the same crowd that panders to that shit
We're agreeing with you that what he did was bigoted, petty, and retarded. Who are you arguing with?
It also needs to be pointed out to the soypremacists that not every conservative is a religious nutbar.
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i come from a land down under



where we hyperbole like rock and roll thunder

where men fuk goats and goat fukers fuk betas like MC HAMSTER, KINT, SMALL KIWI and COOMBZ

i mean wtf is in the water down there?
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I'm not trying to excuse the over-reacting folks shitting on their Facebook page, but the dude couldn't handle even making a passing reference to a perfectly legally married couple, so changed someone's Obit (which is pretty fucked up).

He got triggered, they got triggered. Everyone's triggered, all the time.
