Loco Hombre Off the Mexico

After a couple hours of this


I go eat this



I like to think it raises my testosterone.
hehe ok as long as it's just this weekend
Los Pinos, MY BREAK, is having a longboard contest starting tomorrow
and every single one of them looks to have paddled out this morning.
pfft longboards are cheat surfing... only girls should do it




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sorry you missed the boat; you can visit and try to hook up with a hot latin women


Don't give me your tired,
your poor,
your huddled masses,
Yearning to freeload,
The wretched refuge
of your teeming shores
Send these, the few rich
Lucky tossed to me
I lift my purse beside
the Magnificent Trump Wall
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You probably thought I was all in hysterics about Trump today..
But truth be told

I went to bed very early to be able to wake up very early to go to an hour and a quarter drive North to a surf spot called El Veneno

But truth be told
Because I've eaten two days of scallops shrimp and that intelligent creature called octopus....plus tostadas Mayonesa
Varios Salsas.. I noticed

That I couldn't sleep because I had to keep farting and with the air conditioning the way it was and the way I was trying to sleep I thought the smell was rather interesting

But then I remembered that it was supposed to be disgusting so I got rid of it had to wake up a few times to use the restroom and managed to get my ass out of bed around 6:30

Coffee and sweet milk
short paragraph got into the car

The trick is with surfing most of the time is you got to wake up to beat whatever wind is coming as things heat up..

But I was already an hour late....

(Incoming pics)
I am so happy to have the Jimny
About the only way to get to this place.

Pretty secret I wouldn't post anything about it on a surf forum other than pretty sick & secret.

20 minutes to get out of town
Half hour to get to a turnout
25 minutes of dirt, rock, and sand

Some of the best waves I've surfed in 20 years..? Over the last few times going there... Today was only stomach to just neck high but
Pretty damn good & consistent

and only person out
which is wild to me

Give me a shake when Trump's in jail so I can celebrate with you all...
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If they don't put him in jail it means they are scared
If they put him in jail it means the covid masks are off
they aren't scared

they won't ever b scared b/c ppl r fking retarded and hate corporations and governments instead of the individuals orchestrating and carrying out the heinous acts 4 which these nonhuman entities are blamed

put out a phonebook w/ their names, addresses and short bios listing hobbies and daily habits -- that's the only thing that mite scare them, and it probly won't b/c they kno most ppl r 2 comfortable 2 engage in any behavior that might disrupt their fast food and netflix routine
and going to make bank off the noble sacrifice later
show the corrupt DOJ for what it is
and embolden even more people
to Vote America First