Loco Hombre Off the Mexico

I have been talking about getting a new board from AUS Morning of the Earth
For Fucking EVER
I have hopes that it will be coming still

One of the reasons I got hooked on this board is this guy
Torren Martyn
He's the opposite of Kelly Slater slash and rip
graceful style that doesn't lend itself to surf competition
He rides for Morning of the Earth surfboards which I'll do more of a write up of
if I evar get my fucking board dude... (i'm a believer and even though every email says... soon dude soon... I'm thinking by next month) I'll give this guy's excuses once I get the board. For now, check out this beautiful filming.

The white board he's riding may be my next, a FIJI Diamond tail, if he ever gets to my first choice called
The Massive. I told my wife I'm going to be buying 1 to 2 new boards a year... fuck covid
I'm like 3 boards down
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Nice. Just found some snowboards in a storage locker. One's a Burton in a case, haven't looked at the others yet.

I've also got about 15 sets of skis if you ever want to break a leg in the snow :D
That dude is so smooth it's unbelievable.

It's a bit like watching Ernie Els hit a drive, slow and smooth and looks almost lazy
Nice. Just found some snowboards in a storage locker. One's a Burton in a case, haven't looked at the others yet.

I've also got about 15 sets of skis if you ever want to break a leg in the snow :D

I did a little skiing when I was younger, but never picked up the snowboarding, (only because when they started being popular my life got too busy.)

I've heard of Burton snow boards... that either means it's an old model or if still around a good brand?

I hurt myself plenty enough falling in the 'soft' water. Today I managed to find a sea urchin the back of my hand scraped after taking a tumble. Still have some spines to pick out. Was a great surf sess with head high faces, some power, and long lines... I love this place.
That Burton is worth a few pennies.

Torren reminds me of the laid back style of surfers from the 70s.
What is the difference between Mexico and Dubai?

Severed takes on head high faces, Mitch trucks head high faeces.

Burton are old school good boards
While we are talking old school, I have one of these in the shed

Three Days Now
3 days of head high to double overhead waves. (no I’m not talking double overhead mitch waves).
I’ve got a couple pictures to share, but nothing spectacular; nobody is ever there with a camera for spectacular.
So let me tell you about one wave of many spectacular I’ve managed to not wipe out on today.

I almost didn’t paddle out from two sessions of surf the previous day, but I thought about the last flat spell and next thing I knew I grabbed my 6’ 9” Rusty semi-gun and jumped on the bike. Los Pinos is a left point break. I am regular foot so that means my back is to the face of the wave. The waves have been good, overhead sets coming pretty consistently. About 6 peps out, (ok, one was a hot hispanic chick who surfs super well and eventually got some respect for me even though I cut her off,,, there was someone in front of me and I’d screamed yo voy vo voy,,,nm she knew she was too far back to make it and I fist bumped the guy who dropped in on me as he cut back..)

So, this is supposed to be about the best wave of the day and patience.
I had noticed that every now and then,,, 30 mins? A bomber set would come in and clean us all up on the inside. We sit on the inside because there’s more likely to be a wave, albeit smaller, on the inside. But then, sure enough (but not sure enough) a cranking big set would come through, we’d all paddle outside, but no, too late it was already breaking and heading left fast.

Sometimes you get clues. Off to the south you can see swells starting to build. South’s with a little west push that will bring them around the point…
I would see bombers, (nearly double over head faces; 6 foot hawaian measured from the back)

So, I decided to practice PATIENCE! I paddled way to the outside, a about 15 yards from where everyone was sitting. I sat and sat and after 15 minutes gave up and paddled in … and you guessed it BOMB, two of them but all I could do was what everyone else did and scramble over the top, too late to take off. Disappointed I sat inside and caught some smaller shit.

But, after seeing a couple bombs sneak through I went outside again… I swear I sat out there 20 minutes on my butt while other smaller stuff passed to others but
I could see a pretty big bomb coming for the place I’d thought it would hit. I thought I saw a second coming, (usually bigger or??? Door number 1 or door number 2, 3?) I didn’t want to wait, it was nearly double overhead, people were paddling for the outside and I didn’t want to give this one up.
Perfect position, hardly needed to paddle
Main thing to focus on is pop up quick,,,, don’t stare down the elevator shaft like a deer in the headlights.
I’m not a quiet surfer. I’m always hooting for others and I’ve made lots of friends here. I usually am shouting something out as I take off too. Yo Voy! Is common, but no one was in position, I was the only one going for this bomb; everyone else was just trying to get over it. So I started screaming and yelling ‘Oh shit, here I go!’
In moments like these you revert back to your native language.

It’s safer on the outside really even though you’re catching a larger wave. Deeper water, just stay away from surfers trying to paddle over the wave and your own board if you wipe out.

So I stroke into this massive thing, hop up hearing hoots from others, Pretty easy take off as the wave is still lifting (not a late take off), I remember adjusting my foot back toward the tail and then,
The drop began. The wave steepened up, I crouched a bit, and just slid forever left to the bottom. I hit my bottom turn with a lot of speed and stayed on the lower third of the wave as it towered above me and in front of me. Eventually I got to the weaker shoulder and cruised on it for a bit. The big waves flatten out into the harbor; it’s about the drop and the bottom turn up into a huge face.
I went out a third time and sat nearly 20 more minutes before giving up.

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Not bombs nobody is there to take pictures of me when bombs happen why doesn't anybody sit around for a few hours waiting for a bomb to happen and take a picture of me

You'll have to ask my wife that question she only gets shitty small pictures of me

I don't remember this wave, but what I should do in the next pics
(and i'm sure i did)
is slide my front foot foward, crouch and right hand reach to maybe grab my back outside rail and zoom
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I'm trying to look as 'white supremacist' as I can here. They have expectations of what a gringo should look like.

Good Friday to you.



we'll stay 6 ft away tomorrow and wear masks into the OXXO
(sounding party crazy outside,,, not Florida party crazy
more like fun party crazy)
I count about four bandas playing for this weekend on the beach
and not a single one of them has a women in the group....
i'm sure as a white male supremacist they'll appreciate how outraged I am
Everything has a place. I like my bumpin' tuba played by a dude that smells of beer and has a bit of a gut. The woman's place is to dance and look beautiful. It all clicks together into a little snippet of life.
Not a chance. I'm not surfing cold water anymore, my friends can't even get me to go out
at Huntington CA. sharks are ok, but cold water NO