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I just get cracked up by these old SoCal posters with kids who make like 70k a year thinking that nobody could be better off than them
If you guys buy the CAGW hype, and don't mind your energy budget going up 10-15% per year for the next 5yrs, then we have no issues either.
too late. pg&e just sent me a notice saying my rates were going up 15% this year. why? i dont know. probably has something to do with all of us not using enough energy so their quarterly profits are sinking and, we cant have that.
I just get cracked up by these old SoCal posters with kids who make like 70k a year thinking that nobody could be better off than them

worldly and wise randian heroes who have a JOB where they have RESPONSIBILITIES and PEOPLE UNDER THEM; disgusted at the unshaven and sheltered college kids and their socialistic VIEWS

fuck it time 4 ~shrug~
I just get cracked up by these old SoCal posters with kids who make like 70k a year thinking that nobody could be better off than them

70k/year in SoCal is just barely above poverty, especially if you have any kind of family or kids.
Christ I live on the border of Fairfax and Loudon counties, where the median household is $110,000 and $120,000. I should move to San Diego.
Wealthiest counties in the country, not hard to google if you don't know (NOVA).
Christ I live on the border of Fairfax and Loudon counties, where the median household is $110,000 and $120,000. I should move to San Diego.

San Diego has one of the worst if not the worst cost of living to compensation ratios in the country. That 63k doesn't go very far.