Lets say your house/apartment burned down tomorrow

Yeah, I could replace all the stuff since it's fully insured, but I'd be more concerned about irreplaceable photos, mementos and heirlooms.

I really need to buy that fireproof safe I keep meaning to purchase ...
get some renters it's cheap doood
covers your ass for some amount of liability too, which is nice :)
I have $50,000 contents insurance. Everything can be replaced with that amount and then some. I rent, and will never own a house, the housing market in Australia is fucked in the ass and way over inflated (kinda like half you faggots here).
I have to inventory all my crap everytime I move, and it's all definitely insured by my homeowner's. I also have rental insurance on my crap that's in storage right now.

As it's been said before, I'd be more concerned with things that I can't replace, like my photo albums, antique typewriter and upright Steinway, things like that.
Ive got a Condo I won and Condo insurance. Did not have it until recently when I switched to AAA Insurance and realized I could add it and my Wife to my insurance for almost no increase.

I might not have gotten it, but a week earlier I had been told that my complex has an issue of Water Pipes Breaking, and was told that the HOA only covers the structure, even if it is their pipe that ruins the carpet, furniture, kitchen cabinets, etc. I was thinking about it a few days later when the neighbor right next to me had their pipe break and destroy their entire kitchen. It took 30 seconds to make that call. $250 for the Year, and ive got 65k Coverage.
Yeah, I could replace all the stuff since it's fully insured, but I'd be more concerned about irreplaceable photos, mementos and heirlooms.

I really need to buy that fireproof safe I keep meaning to purchase ...

My Dad just sold his house he had been in for 54 years and now I have lots of irreplaceable photos, mementos and heirlooms that could never be replaced. Put what I could in safe deposit box about all you can do and pray the house doesn't burn down.
I had a steam pipe burst in my apartment in december...destroyed pretty much all electronics in the room including my computer, most everything else dried out not much worse for the wear

got $3600 from the buildings insurance...was one of the biggest pain in the ass cleaning up the mess and then it took about 2 months to actually get the money