Least Gay Alt to Level

I've been leveling a few alts by rest-rotating. Warlock just hit 80. I tried switching my priest to shadow but it was just like the affliction lock only not as fun and no pet. Only classes I haven't leveled are Shaman and Warrior, and I'd say Ret Paladin/Blood DK/Affliction lock are the fastest so far due to absolutely no downtime when played correctly, plus the ability to handle elites.
God yeah I loved my DK when I leveled him. It was when WOTLK first released and UH DKs were living gods. Death Strike healing for 7-8k, diseases letting me kill every mob I could possibly find, it was fantastic.

TBH Fool leveling an Enh sham is the easiest time I've ever had other than AOE (which has gotten better). Their ability to nuke elites is pretty much un-matched. Just pop BL, SR, totems and go to town. I solo'd every elite in NR on my enh shammy.
i can never get into warlocks, I've tried.

I want to make a new char for cata. I'm down to either rogue or mage.

Warlocks are a class that hit their stride later in levels. Similar to warriors, shadow priests, and feral druids actually
God yeah I loved my DK when I leveled him. It was when WOTLK first released and UH DKs were living gods. Death Strike healing for 7-8k, diseases letting me kill every mob I could possibly find, it was fantastic.

TBH Fool leveling an Enh sham is the easiest time I've ever had other than AOE (which has gotten better). Their ability to nuke elites is pretty much un-matched. Just pop BL, SR, totems and go to town. I solo'd every elite in NR on my enh shammy.

Not surprised, I used to play on my brother's shaman back in TBC and it was godly then. I just never really liked the class. I might make a dwarf shaman though in cataclysm.
Warlocks are a class that hit their stride later in levels. Similar to warriors, shadow priests, and feral druids actually

Hah Druid/Priest/Lock are the only chars I cannot level past 40/51/40 so far.

I've decided to make a goblin Lock (either Lockgobbler or GobblinLocks) and experience the new old world with him though.

My current druid alt is 32 now and cat form is soooo boring. I actually prefer just bear tanking everything with that cleave-maul glyph.
I've been leveling an affliction lock and with full heirloom gear it feels like I'm cheating. The only thing that slows me down is a lack of mobs to throw more dots on. I can take on quite a few elites as well, not as many as my prot pally could, but pretty respectable.
Your entire argument reeks of laziness. You won't put forth the meager effort (gold, in this case) to make sure your character is as equipped as he possibly can be, no matter the content. "It's too hard!" You just want to be carried.

Lazy sack of shit.

If you weren't terribad you'd have saved enough frosties by now to buy the 264 vendor cloak.

Piss off you Hentai-jerker, I always pull my weight and even when I was healing I still made sure to keep everyone alive even when they were standing in shit or not interrupting or any other number of things that would actually make the fight WORSE. Had to deal with the shaman boss in ToC-5 for a full 90 seconds because the rogue didn't feel like kicking and then the healer missed out on faceroller when I cleansed him because "he was watching TV" and couldn't be bothered to so much as smack the keyboard with his hand. Or did I mention the noob warrior with a Shadowmourne with empty sockets? Yeah that was a hoot.

Call me what you want but I'll be damned if I'm going to sit by and let you say I want to be carried. I may not be the best player in this game, hell I KNOW I'm not, but I've seen far FAR worse than you seem to assume I am. Or maybe that's just your shtick for me eh? You need my apparent "badness" around like most people need Jerry Springer, a comparative to your own life or activities. "Well I could be better, but at least I'm not FEANNAG! God that guy is such a scrub."

So lick my taint you ass-fucking elitist reject.
wait wait wait wait wait???
your example for why you are not bad is something you did in toc 5?
just checking...

The "doing something bad" was simply pressing the number 1 on your keyboard. And you cannot do anything else but press 1 on your keyboard. That is what I called him out on because it was evidence he was literally doing nothing except maybe watching TV or jerking off.