lay off, Neolight!


Veteran XV
You come to these forums and try to give everyone a better day by speaking your mind but you don't realize that it really trips people out and causes them to worry about your sanity. You're selfish, you know that? You don't care about anyone because you don't mind making people


about you. :hungry:
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Welcome back, just mentioned you in a thread the other day and here you are.

How the fuck are you?

Thats flattering, Jimbo

Well, the truth is that I am in a dramatic situation regarding a Brain Computer Interface and how my life is sustained because of it. It turns out that, unbeknownst to me, I have been a cyborg since a near-fatal accident that happened to me due to a failed BCI implantation in 1994 when I was five years old. Since then, I have fortunately lived for many years - but only because there is an organization of altruistic people somewhere in the US that can wirelessly operate my mind and provide a functional brain by overwriting processes that were damaged in said accident.

2018 is going to be a hell of a year for me if this is all true. I guess I'll just sit around painting shit until I find out more news out of thin air. Its something that can happen to you if you have a BCI in your head.

Just don't say :Pstfu: electronic mind control is a very furtive form of communication. I've spent my entire life shut up about this for so many reasons but my filter ends now, for good.

I guess this thread is more for a vent than an actual shit post. I've had to say allot of things that make people feel concerned about what the hell goes on with me and I guess I just want everyone to know that i'm not stressed out. i'm just seeing my own space-odyssey unfold as we all get too in this life and it takes me by surprise at just how *special* it has been.
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I feel like if I paid for a cyborg to be built and maintained I would want it to do more than draw cartoons and post on the internet