Just keeps getting better...

Chia_Pet spews the Israeli narrative, then claims he's a third party observer. And for someone so poorly informed or misinformed, he certainly has an interest in the mid east.

Sorry bro, I'm just thinking you're a hasbara plant, feigning third party status so your posts aren't tainted by your membership in the tribe.
It should be fairly obvious. If you speak anything critical of the current status quo, say, pointing out that the system is run by malevolent jews against the ethnic interests of White people, the jews mobilize their mass media against you in campaigns of derision and mockery and you won't get funding. It takes hundreds of thousands up to millions of dollars to get elected into office. Even if you had that money on your own, the jewsmedia would give you no positive coverage. All the leaders are ADL/AIPAC vetted patsies. These sort of 'leaders' were traditionally called satraps. The whole system is a scam and jews run both ends of the spectrum. The average person is too dim-witted to see that there's not a dime's worth of difference between republicans and democrats.

The apex political issue in not just America but the West in general is the politician's stance on jews and Israel. Look them up, you'll see they say almost exactly the same thing about the damn kikes.
Chia_Pet spews the Israeli narrative, then claims he's a third party observer. And for someone so poorly informed or misinformed, he certainly has an interest in the mid east.

Sorry bro, I'm just thinking you're a hasbara plant, feigning third party status so your posts aren't tainted by your membership in the tribe.

you are a fucking retard. Im half Irish and half Norwegian.

seriously wtf is it with you guys?