Just Cause demo fucking rocks

omg you talk like you post

BabyPony5822 (5:06:50 PM): did you chop off your hair?!?!!?!?!?
MangleMeElmo22 (5:07:07 PM): not by choice, but it ended up turning out ok
BabyPony5822 (5:07:17 PM): what do you mean not by choice?\
BabyPony5822 (5:07:22 PM): you tell the story right now
BabyPony5822 (5:07:23 PM): no
MangleMeElmo22 (5:07:26 PM): well i went back on saturday night to
BabyPony5822 (5:07:28 PM): i meanyes
BabyPony5822 (5:07:31 PM): to where?
BabyPony5822 (5:07:32 PM): home?
MangleMeElmo22 (5:07:35 PM): surprise my parents for easter
MangleMeElmo22 (5:07:36 PM): yeah
BabyPony5822 (5:07:37 PM): did you mommy make you?
BabyPony5822 (5:07:40 PM): *your
MangleMeElmo22 (5:08:00 PM): no, it was like 4 oclock on saturday and i was like, hey ill go to atlanta!
MangleMeElmo22 (5:08:20 PM): wait did she make me cut it?
MangleMeElmo22 (5:08:28 PM): is that your quetion?
MangleMeElmo22 (5:08:37 PM): anyways
BabyPony5822 (5:08:49 PM): yeah
MangleMeElmo22 (5:09:12 PM): i tell her that i need a haircut, and she points out most everywhere will be closed on sunday, so she calls around and finds one place thats still open at 8 oclock or so
MangleMeElmo22 (5:09:24 PM): no, she didnt make me
BabyPony5822 (5:09:45 PM): then how was it "not by choice?"
MangleMeElmo22 (5:09:51 PM): so we go there and ... its filled with black people. i got nothin against black people, but this guy had probably never cut a white mans hair before
BabyPony5822 (5:10:55 PM): oooh
BabyPony5822 (5:11:00 PM): you were at the barbershop!?!?
BabyPony5822 (5:11:04 PM): we just watched that
MangleMeElmo22 (5:11:12 PM): he asks me what i want and i said "i want it the same length all over, just take like 2 inches off all around" and hes like "uhh... ill get you a book". so he brings me this book and ... its filled with black people's hair styles. afros, cornrows, everything.
MangleMeElmo22 (5:11:20 PM): yeah it was a barber shop
BabyPony5822 (5:11:26 PM): h ahaaaa
MangleMeElmo22 (5:11:36 PM): i had to try so hard not to bust out laughing
MangleMeElmo22 (5:12:00 PM): i mean seriously, what was he thinking
MangleMeElmo22 (5:12:13 PM): anyways, i go back there and try to explain it to him again
MangleMeElmo22 (5:13:41 PM): so i think hes going to be ok with it, he gets out scissors, and i close my eyes thinking hes going to do the normal thing and wet my hair so he can cut it. but no. he just takes a big snip off the front, with my hair still kinda tangled up and stuff like it normally is at the end of the day
BabyPony5822 (5:13:56 PM): oh nooo
BabyPony5822 (5:13:58 PM): no no no no no
MangleMeElmo22 (5:14:12 PM): yeah, so i was like... dude just cut it all off
BabyPony5822 (5:14:16 PM): nnoooo
BabyPony5822 (5:14:18 PM): noooooo
BabyPony5822 (5:14:21 PM): are you bald???
MangleMeElmo22 (5:14:23 PM): no
BabyPony5822 (5:14:31 PM): whats the damage?
MangleMeElmo22 (5:15:11 PM): its shorter than it was in my license picture
MangleMeElmo22 (5:15:47 PM): everyone around here is freaking out because it looks so different
BabyPony5822 (5:17:11 PM): shorter
BabyPony5822 (5:17:14 PM): than your licence?
BabyPony5822 (5:17:25 PM): shorter than xanga?
MangleMeElmo22 (5:17:29 PM): ohhhh yeah
BabyPony5822 (5:17:38 PM): like... erik short?
MangleMeElmo22 (5:17:47 PM): dunno, cant remember how long his is
BabyPony5822 (5:17:52 PM): like... ashley short?
MangleMeElmo22 (5:18:02 PM): shorter
BabyPony5822 (5:18:15 PM): =-O=-O=-O
BabyPony5822 (5:18:30 PM): nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
BabyPony5822 (5:18:36 PM): that is a story for xanga though
everything you ever wanted to know about mmelmo

My name is: Brian Walker
I may seem: childish
But I'm really: fun loving
Sometimes I feel: alone
In the morning I: like to exercise
I like to sleep: after i eat a big meal
If I could be doing anything right now I would be: getting a sunburn at the beach listening to bob marley
Money is: a hassle

One thing I wish I had is: better grades
One thing I have that I wish I didn't is: ummm... im pretty content with myself
All I need is: a friend to hang out with
Love: is something few truly know
First best friend: umm... my sister? lol... although we probably fought a lot when we were little, so id have to go with randy
First car: '94 maroon honda accord 2-door
First real date: hmmm... didnt date in high school (thank god) and i guess i havent really gone on a date per se, so ... never.
First real kiss: if "real" implies "meaningful" then a few months ago, if it implies "not from your mom" then... like 8th grade? maybe? cant really remember.
First break-up: slightly less than a few months ago
First screen name: MangleMeElmo22
First self purchased album: ummm maybe a metallica cd?
First funeral: i think it was the father of a cousin or something... cant remember, never met him but the rest of my family did.
First pets: kittens! weve always had cats, we had 2 cats when i was born, found 3 more, one of them had 3 kittens then died within a short time after, for a total of 7 at one point.
First piercing/tattoo: none. although trevor getting a tattoo is making me think about it, maybe a small one or something. although i have no inclination whatsoever towards getting one or not getting one, if i feel like i want one then nothings going to stop me, but i dont have the urge to get one really so... eh
First credit card: never had one
First true love: never progressed that far in a relationship, although there definately are people that i could grow to love
First enemy: lol... randy again probably, weve gone through so much stuff.
First musician you remember hearing in your house: well there was that one time we rang up Yanni and he came and played for us, but that bastard wont return any of my calls lately

Last cigarette: cigarettes make me want to immediately be as far away from whoever is smoking it as possible... so the answer is ive never smoked
Last car ride: just got back from Moe's with dan and chris... okay! i mean sooo goood! (strongbad...anyone..)
Last kiss: a few months ago... once again!
Last good cry: got a little teary when my mom cried the first time i left for the dorms, but i havent really cried in ... years
Last library book checked out: some crap for an english essay last semester
Last movie seen: Dawn of the Dead
Last beverage drank: water

Last food consumed: Moes Burrito
Last crush: hrmm...
Last phone call: umm i think jessie called last saturday to ask for a pot to cook spaghetti in
Last time showered: hahaha... this morning... i shower like 2-3 times a day. in fact im showering right now! bwahaAHAhaah! how, you might ask? very carefully.
Last shoes worn: wore tennis shoes for the first time in months last friday morning during the 2 am beach excursion

Last cd played: Paul Oakenfold - Travelling
Last item bought: me and trevor split the 15 dollars it cost to buy desert storm for the xbox. cheapest entertainment money can buy, baby
Last annoyance: honestly, its pretty tough to annoy me. i take that back, my physics teacher makes me want to smash large objects in two, preferably using another form of large blunt object
Last disappointment: wow... uhh, we'll stick with the "a few months ago" category mentioned in section 2
Last time scolded: from someone else (parents) the end of last semester, from myself, constantly
Last shirt worn: white t shirt... lol
Last website visited: umm, my email?

Last word someone said to you: "won't" Chris- "I know you won't"
Last song you sang: incubus - "stellar"
What is in your cd player?: nothing currently, last cd that was in there was a mix cd entitled "relaxing"
What color socks are you wearing: havent worn socks in like 4 months. except for paintball last sunday. crap. the streak is broken
What Color of underwear are you wearing: uhhh.... uhhh.... my dresser is currently suffering from a boxer shorts deficiency, so let your mind run wild.
What's under your bed: my clothes dresser, sleeping bag, drying rack, the cardboard box from the mini pool table, a few bins filled with various baseball stuff, my bat bag, the pimp hat, the gorilla mask, the afro wig, some dirty clothes, my bookbag, shoes
What time did you wake up today: 8:00

Where do you want to go: no idea, ill most likely stay in or near georgia
What is your career going to be: HA!
Where are you going to live: in a house... with walls... and stuff...
How many kids do you want: 2...or 3... dunno
What kind of car(s): one that i have to spend very little money on

Current mood: happy and full from eating Moes
Current music: some random spanish guitar song
Current taste: minty freshness of colgate toothpaste
Current hair: long, down to my eyes, in need of some trimmage
Current hate: myself, for not doing the best in school that i could have done
Current clothes: jeans and a white t shirt.story of my life
Current desktop picture: some cool dragon loking design formed by little matrix-esque falling japanese characters. its pretty fun to just sit and watch it, sometimes i sit for like 30 minutes just watching it. when im bored. really bored
Current favorite artist: metallica... always
Current book(s): Dave Barry is not taking this sitting down
Current color of toenails: ehh.. some of em are normal color, some are kinda blueish from playing zen ping pong with trev and from getting shot in the foot playing paintball last sunday. not to mention getting shot on the business end of my manhood. which is a whole different story, filled with weeping and gnashing of teeth. mostly weeping.

Current time-wasting wish: first of all, as me an Jeff have discovered, time is never wasted, it is utilized. second, i would utilize my time by sleeping. which doesnt sound so bad, seeing as how ive gotten a little less than 8 hours of sleep in the past 2 days. im gonna go pass out.
here it is. probably my last xanga post as a free man. there is a lot of recap and goings-on to be said. i know everyone's collective loins are throbbing with desire, so ill get right to it.

the bachelor party was amazing. props to my homeboy jeff for setting it up and to dustin's parents for being so cool... and to dustin. thanks to everyone who came, i thoroughly appreciated your presence and the gifts and such. i dont normally drink very much, if at all, but it was my bachelor party, so thats grounds for me to throw back a few more than usual. (dont worry mom, there was no chance of alcohol poisoning). so me, shay, dustin and jeff (and mark, who had just a few drinks but sucked enough that no one complained he was sober) stayed in the living room aka the "drunks" room, and dan, william, forrest, and sean in the bed room, aka "sobers" room. thus the epic battle of the drunks vs sobers was waged over the networked electronic battlefield of halo 2. the first few battles went as expected, with me and dustin matching up against dan and william pretty well, but our secondary players were much more adept, leading to many a victory. free for all matches were won by various people, nothing really outstanding. its a little hazy but (correct me if im wrong) i believe after a short break from halo, the action resumed with the drunks being quite drunk by this point. the sobers were then pretty much demolished by the drunks, drawing on our keen powers of slow reflexes and impaired judgement. i distinctly remember at one point playing 2 drunks vs 4 sobers and owning them 3 caps to 0 in a capture the flag game. i also distinctly remember owning william with the smg while he had a sniper rifle harder than anyone has owned anyone before ever in the universe... ever. i believe dustin can back me up on that one, if he wasn't literally piss drunk by that time. eventually we went to sleep around 4 am, woke up with minimal sickness, ate at chilis the next afternoon and hung out to let our hangovers go away, and drove for a long ass time to statesboro and up to augusta.
then came the weekend, which was pretty much a blur of packing up robins room, and piecing robin back together after each mental breakdown. this leads me to now, waiting for monday to come so we can take all this stuff down to statesboro to our new apartment, drive to savannah, pack up my stuff, bring that to statesboro, then come back to augusta by noon tuesday. yeah. so that brings us to tuesday night and wednesday, which i have no idea what specifically is going on but there will apparently be things that have to be done, then thursday we head to savannah, friday we rip all our hair out, and saturday, with the sun's scintillating rays glistening off our sweaty bald heads, robin and i will be wed to each other in holy matrimony. then the greatest vacation ever taken will commence, and there will be much rejoicing.

are u shitting me? u had a LAN for ur bachelor party?
