Joplin, MO tornado pictures

rayn whats his email he used for the site?

or at least tell us if it involves his first name or pierce or whatnot
maybe you nerds should look at this statistically. you sound like my mom (a nurse) who sees one bicycle accident death and thinks everyone who rides a bicycle is going to die.

- ~200 something dead... in a town of 50,000 = 4%
- most of those who die during these tornadoes are either too old/slow or stupid to know what to do
- many wont have internet access for a while anyway... and if my shit got wrecked i wouldnt be thinking about posting on TW as my #1 priority lol.
lol you have to smirk at the irony of jomo the weather freak getting rocked in a tornado...

It is kinda sad tho if he died :(
"I'm ok. My family is ok. We just got power and phone service restored. 3 blocks away is completely gone though. I'll post a more detailed account once I check in with everyone.

We know of at least 2 people we know that died. One was protecting his wife and died from injuries. She survived, he didn't. One had a compound fracture and bled to death, they couldn't give her a transfusion because they didn't have her blood type. "

Posted by jomo a sec ago
well he's alive, i guess we can stop caring now

also i may have just nexted you when trying not to