Joplin, MO tornado pictures

So if he's 29 then the father/son missing combo could easily be him. That would mean his dad was about 22 or 23 when he blasted the fuck out of Jomo's moms pussy.
What about this on ok cupid?

OkCupid JoMo said:
What I’m doing with my life
I work 5 days a week as a lead advocate for a company that assists mentally and physically handicapped kids and adults i love my job and have been doing this for about 5 years now, i am currently going to school for special education i would like to become a special ed teacher.

Maybe he's lying on Ok Cupid to land more?
it's pretty hard to think of any other tw'er getting killed by something he loved so much :(

at least not until bounty gets aids from gay sex or mandarb dies of a spider/snake bite