Joplin, MO tornado pictures

More supercells predicted by the spc for the same area today

If jomo is alive this will probably kill him

Or the lack of IBS treatment
Claims to I think, offered to buy him a beer, but you know how that would go ... :lol:

Could use some more storm here, maybe one of my trailers will get blown over so I can profit :D
Were Tornado's always this bad? (despite the record set this year) Or is this just something the media is covering more of these days?

Anyways, Tornadoes are faggots.

most F4s/F5s tend to miss populated areas given the population densities involved in tornado alley.


This isn't the first time several extremely devastating tornadoes hit populated areas, but it is the first time in several decades that there have been several in the same year.
I flew into Springfield the night the tornadoes were there, and the people on my flight were pretty distraught. Some of them lived in Joplin or knew people that lived there. On our way to the hotel we saw about 10 ambulances going full speed on the freeway towards Joplin. Pretty sad stuff.

The weather has been absolutely crazy there the last few days too.
damn. that place is wrecked.

I heard on the radio this morning that more people have died this year from tornadoes than all of the last 10 years combined.
i hope jomo is ok that's for sure.. but the same counts for all the other people over there.. i just don't understand and i never will be able to: why do you keep living in an area that keeps getting fucked over by stuff like this?
i hope jomo is ok that's for sure.. but the same counts for all the other people over there.. i just don't understand and i never will be able to: why do you keep living in an area that keeps getting fucked over by stuff like this?

i didnt know joplin had a history of tornado outbreaks
I suspect those numbers are skewed because of better data collection techniques.

Possibly, though there's no way to tell whether the techniques biased the estimates up or down in the past. In any case, there appears to be little to no long term upward trend (imo)
I hate the way they portray whites in the media. If you see a white family, it says they’re looting. See a black family, it says they’re looking for food. And you know that it’s been five days, because most of the people are white. And even for me to complain about it, I would be a hypocrite because I’ve tried to turn away from the TV, because it’s too hard to watch. We already realize a lot of people that could help are at war right now, fighting another way, and they have given them permission to go down and shoot us.

Obama doesn’t care about white people.