Joplin, MO tornado pictures

Controlling looters 101:

Are there niggers? Then control them so they won't loot.
Are there Whites? They don't need to be controlled because they don't loot.


you have it wrong

Secure town with Merc teams ...wait nm katrina.
I live in KC, this shit has been all over the news. It's hard to believe really, 116 dead so far. The Wal-Mart there looks like it blew up.
I feel with Jomo's posting habits that if he were alive he would have already posted on this forum.

So, safe to say hes dead.
So seriously, is Jomo from there?

he lives/lived there

I feel with Jomo's posting habits that if he were alive he would have already posted on this forum.

So, safe to say hes dead.

~100/50k are dead, I'm going to say the probability is that he's not dead.

Instead, I would theorize that much of Joplin is without utilities/devastated and there's other things a bit more important than restoring utility service and/or finding a computer to post from
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The first video I saw of this a guy was going around to cars looking for people in them and all I could think was damn I'd be lookin in gloveboxes and shit too. I guess I'm just a fucked up person but I really don't care about people I don't know. Maybe I'd behave differently if I was actually there living it.

Actually scumbag seems a more fitting word for you. has em up in a slideshow.

Deadly storms rake Midwest - Picture Stories-

A lot of crazy pictures but this one made me cringe a bit:


A guy dropped a bottle of red dye, big deal bro. Also someone should clean that shit up, how can people make such a mess?
I feel with Jomo's posting habits that if he were alive he would have already posted on this forum.

So, safe to say hes dead.

Though there is a lot better things to be taking care of, I'm kinda bending to same line of thinking. Can anyone produce jomo's real name n I might be able to find it if/when they post a list of the victims.
Were Tornado's always this bad? (despite the record set this year) Or is this just something the media is covering more of these days?

Anyways, Tornadoes are faggots.
I have a buddy that lives there. He got a bunch of water and ramen and is letting folks crash at his place. I guess he has a few friends that have been displaced as well.

I haven't been bugging him too much on account of him being rather busy.
Instead, I would theorize that much of Joplin is without utilities/devastated and there's other things a bit more important than restoring utility service and/or finding a computer to post from

My buddy has been online periodically throughout the day (from his phone, I think) updating his Facebook status so that people know what's going on. So I know of at least one guy that is still online. But yeah, he's not exactly in a hurry to debate australian vs kenyan economics or whatever it is we do here.