Johnny Depp Trial

All we know is what the press tells us, and that is that Depp is a decent person and Amber Heard is a cast-iron bitch. Draw your own conclusions.
is that your interpretation of what happened?

because it was the exact opposite. Which is why hes suing her. because anytime you look into these two, she ends up looking like the aggressor and is lying all the time.
she gets paid speaking engagements for being a domestic abuse survivor and he cannot find work.
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I don't particularly care for amber heard. She's one of those women that makes you wonder how she got into hollywood. Not super hot, not a great actress

Glad to see that nothing has changed with TW evaluation of insanely hot women as being mediocre looking. :o:
I am unfamiliar with the specifics here.
but to me just seems silly to make divorce a spectacular public thing.

Should have let the lawyers figure this out outside the courtroom. Their profiles are way too high to be tarnished like this.
Well, Amber is a large spokeswoman for the #MeToo movement (and now #MePoo).

It should be public for the same reason Jussie Smollett's trail should have been public.
I am unfamiliar with the specifics here.
but to me just seems silly to make divorce a spectacular public thing.

Should have let the lawyers figure this out outside the courtroom. Their profiles are way too high to be tarnished like this.
so this is a defamation suit. Depps reputation is already so tarnished he has nothing to lose and everything to gain if people believe even part of his story. which is reasonable considering how much of a provable violent loon heard is.
Is there anything better than the veneer being washed away and Hollywood folks are revealed to be just as trashy as everyone else?
so this is a defamation suit. Depps reputation is already so tarnished he has nothing to lose and everything to gain if people believe even part of his story. which is reasonable considering how much of a provable violent loon heard is.

Aight, I was very ignorant on the subject.

Thought this was typical divorce trial (who gets mulah).
Is there anything better than the veneer being washed away and Hollywood folks are revealed to be just as trashy as everyone else?

ya, most everything is better than that

i like 2 dream of a world filled w/ attractive ppl of refined character and taste

a world of reggses who weren't dropped on their heads as infants

i don't like this shit w/ ugly ppl on tv commercials and in movies and i don't like when ppl fuk w/ the green curtain
yeah we have to be reminded that actors, musicians and athletes are basically low iq idiots that may or may not have even finished high school.
i am a bad person

i am on the lam since thursday for harassment crime against womyn

it would have been plead down to mischief and a breach instead of 14 breaches and multiple criminal harasssments

dunno what itll be right now

i can upload court transcripts one day tho k8 has copeis too that i sent her

this j depp thing is such white trash
Yeah these ppl need to stay behind the proscenium arch

except for small clips on Entertainment Tonight (but the 1980's version, not the shitty new style)
johnny’s team’s psychologist testifying now is basically like watching michael jordan practice dunks.