john wick is the best movie of the year

so the gone girl rip just came out and i watched it


blue ruin and nightcrawler are my favorites so far this year. still need to watch interstellar, birdman and john wick though.
John Wick is a great movie...would love to see more.

American Sniper is a great film and will probably win a bunch of awards.

I saw Whiplash, as a drummer this was appealing, and I thoroughly enjoyed this film.
birdman was not at all what I expected. the first half of the movie I was like wat
then the second half i was like what?
Nightcrawler was the most awful movie I saw this year. Partly because it was hyped up to be amazing and a 99% on rotten tomatoes with actors I sort of enjoy.

It quickly realized itself as an extremely stupid movie and all of the main characters were annoying and while I don't want to get into the plot being completely unbelievable and whimsical... It was completely unbelievable that anything of the sort could or would ever happen...and that really ruined it for me.

I can't fathom why it got such a high rating.
yea, they showed dead people in their house on live tv before the police ever got there, made a statement, or identified anyone. And really didn't even think twice about it.
Damn, still have not managed to see John Wick. I need to grab it off Redbox when it comes out.
i just watched john wick it's a good action movie. dont go into it looking for anything other than a solid action flick and you shouldn't be disappointed
some of neo's moves are pretty cool and might actually work lol
close quarters pistol battles were insane
i liked john wick but some of the fight scenes looked way too over choreographed

way too many poorly timed punches/blocks where he's blocking way before the person throws an obvious punch directly into his block etc

it looked like he was a psychic and knew what everyone would do 10 seconds before they did it