[Job]I have a second interview with Microsoft in a few weeks...

As with any job, pure talent isn't enough to "rocket to the top." That being said, there's still a lot of opportunity there. If anything it's a hell of a resume headliner should one wish to pursue other job options.

starting money is fairly good, decent benefits, and good on the resume.

i don't think its really a company for the long haul though
no you can't

I know people with real talent that aren't being fast tracked at microsoft.
Well, it's true -- talent is necessary, but not sufficient. You have to be willing to dedicate (and I mean dedicate) your life to your job for a good number of years. If you don't like long hours, hyper-aggressive people and non-stop politics, MS is not for you. If you thrive in a pressure cooker, you can do quite well. :) But, you will see in the interview that all they are going to do is put pressure on you and see how you react.
Market leading products in their space ... yes. You can argue all the slashdot/digg anti-windows bullshit on the consumer/client side, but on the server side, Microsoft dominates -- only IBM can compete.

thanks, but i'd rather my job have me involved with products that, i dunno, i'd actually use b/c i wanted to rather than b/c upper management signed a new contract on their SAP integration
Isn't like 80% of their workforce contract, where you have to re-apply for your job every year? Nice benefits or not, that would suck IMO.
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my cousin works for MS in charlotte, his wife works for IBM....

he loves it, i think he pays like 20 bucks for software...he also tests games or something

said that simply to say, good luck guy!
thanks, but i'd rather my job have me involved with products that, i dunno, i'd actually use b/c i wanted to rather than b/c upper management signed a new contract on their SAP integration
:lol: guys like you are why guys like me make so much money ... keep up the good work! :heart:
Microsoft isn't the only place to get free Microsoft products! I used to work at Intel and we had site licenses for every MS product. That was like 8 years ago though, not sure if that relationship is still what it was.
Well, I'm flying out to Seattle in the morning. Interviews are on Friday. I'll supposedly find out if I got the job by Saturday.
Well, I'm flying out to Seattle in the morning. Interviews are on Friday. I'll supposedly find out if I got the job by Saturday.

if you know someone there, make sure they take you out to eat. they're able to spend like $100/head for recruiting on a meal
can you please find the people who work on the mobile os and punch them in the back of the head?

Windows Mobile isn't bad... its all the bloatware the service providers put on it that make it suck ass; Go find a cooked HTC Rom at xda developers and you'll notice a hell of a fucking difference. Granted you'd have to have an HTC phone or a rebranded HTC phone.. aka just about the vast majority of windows mobile phones out there that aren't HP.
Well, I didn't get the job. :/ They interviewed 50 people for 3 different divisions. I had 4 hour-long interviews. Two went rather well, while I ran short on time for the other two. So, now I'm graduating in a week with no job lined up... *sigh*.
Well, I didn't get the job. :/ They interviewed 50 people for 3 different divisions. I had 4 hour-long interviews. Two went rather well, while I ran short on time for the other two. So, now I'm graduating in a week with no job lined up... *sigh*.

That sucks. Sorry to hear that.

What degree are you graduating with?
DOH thats a lot of people to interview for 3 positions, couldnt they have filtered more ppl out by their resumes?