Jihadi John strikes again.

Am I the only one that is sickened by these 3 beheadings? I feel awful for the victims in this, and their families. The whole thing makes me queasy. The vibe I get from the far right is they really kind of like this sort of thing, because now we have a reason to go to war, they think. It's all vengeance, revenge, retribution, blood is going to be spilled, blah blah blah. It was the same after 9/11. There wasn't any feelings of grief, nothing like that. Just "woo hoo, lets go nuke some ragheads." I don't understand that kind of reaction, I never have.

No pointing fingers, then. What I DO support is strikes on military targets that our intelligence is very sure about. Possibly send special forces in, as long as the confidence is very high about the target. I don't think that imprisoning / torturing the people that are doing this is going to be productive, as it just fuels the people that think like them. They need to just taken out, but surgically. Carpet bombing civilians in the hopes of "gittin areselves a terrist" didn't work the last 2 times, and it's not going to work now. There has to be a lot of fact-gathering done, find out who and where they are, and then take them out.

Far right felt no feelings of grief just want to nuke rag heads. Gotcha.
i guess vanster has nothing to say to me since he knows i'm right

i dunno how he hasn't killed himself yet after all the divorces and shitposting
Whatever the reality behind this story may be, I find it interesting that leftists don't consider any kind of behavior worthy of responding with violence. That's why niggers are allowed to murder and rape White people and we get a shitstorm when a piece of shit like Mike Brown is painted all over the pavement.
The reality is ISIS wouldn't exist if America and it's Sunni allies weren't funding and arming Islamic rebels and allowing Jihadists to flow freely into Syria.

ISIS is simply a simply an inconvenience to the continued neoconservative policy of regime change in the Middle East.
4. So, when you meet (in fight Jihad in Allah's Cause), those who disbelieve smite at their necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them, then bind a bond firmly (on them, i.e. take them as captives). Thereafter (is the time) either for generosity (i.e. free them without ransom), or ransom (according to what benefits Islam), until the war lays down its burden. Thus [you are ordered by Allah to continue in carrying out Jihad against the disbelievers till they embrace Islam (i.e. are saved from the punishment in the Hell-fire) or at least come under your protection], but if it had been Allah's Will, He Himself could certainly have punished them (without you). But (He lets you fight), in order to test you, some with others. But those who are killed in the Way of Allah, He will never let their deeds be lost,
The Noble Quran, 47. Surah Muhammad
English Translation of The Noble Quran - NobleQuran.com

"Islam is a religion of peace," Cameron insisted, saying of the ISIS militants, "They are not Muslim, they are monsters."
Britain to 'confront' ISIS 'menace' after Haines death - CNN.com
The reality is ISIS wouldn't exist if America and it's Sunni allies weren't funding and arming Islamic rebels and allowing Jihadists to flow freely into Syria.

ISIS is simply a simply an inconvenience to the continued neoconservative policy of regime change in the Middle East.

neoconservative policy?

its all been the democrat policy for the last 6 years you twat.
Vanster the sooner Americans come to realize that in terms of action and policy, not rhetoric, there's very little to choose between Demo's and Repo's the sooner they'll realize that the only way to vote is for ANY third party.

beheading is a system of oppression
:lol: and +repd yea it sure kills the touristy market for [strike]CIA power brokers[/strike] ooops free lance journalists.

And another person is beheaded, this time a brit. next is going to be a brit as well.

Kike, we all know you only /Sigh when a chosen one dies, so knock off the fake sympathy. We know you're happy, what with Israel getting another step towards Iran ...

Air strikes authorized cause three people died, holy shit that's gotta be a record for a flimsy excuse to spend a Billion.

Fun fact: Unlike other countries the US doesn't pay a ransom. I didn't realize this until Foley's mom bitched about the Federales being such cheap motherfuckers. Actually not exactly cheap, while refusing to pay a ranson, they are willing to dig deep into some serious treasury to play war games. But it's about principles rite? What with America Under Threat and needing to fight to preserve American freedoms and all and so forth and such with etc and so on. I mean like, we're being attacked d00d.

What a confusing and bsfull situation. What with the sudden surprise of a new bogeyman in the ME - one we had no idea existed two months ago. One who is apparently ur friends in Syria, but enemies in Iraq, which it's taken a third of.

The Oscars need a new category: "best propaganda production." What a resounding success for Jewmedia© they've truly mastered the art of mass manipulation.
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Vanster the sooner Americans come to realize that in terms of action and policy, not rhetoric, there's very little to choose between Demo's and Repo's. Isn't it time to vote for ANY third party?

:lol: and +repd yea it sure kills the touristy market for [strike]CIA power brokers[/strike] ooops free lance journalists.

Kike, we all know you only /Sigh when a chosen one dies, so knock off the fake sympathy. We know you're happy, what with Israel getting another step towards Iran ...

Air strikes authorized cause three people died, holy shit that's gotta be a record for a flimsy excuse to spend a Billion.

Fun fact: Unlike other countries the US doesn't pay a ransom. I didn't realize this until Foley's mom bitched about the Federales being such cheap motherfuckers. Actually not exactly cheap, while refusing to pay a ranson, they are willing to dig deep into some serious treasury to play war games. But it's about principles rite? What with America Under Threat and needing to fight to preserve American freedoms and all and so forth and such with etc and so on. I mean like, we're being attacked d00d.

What a confusing and bsfull situation. What with the sudden surprise of a new bogeyman in the ME - one we had no idea existed two months ago. One who is apparently ur friends in Syria, but enemies in Iraq, which it's taken a third of.

The Oscars need a new category: "best propaganda production." What a resounding success for Jewmedia© they've truly mastered the art of mass manipulation.

are you fuking insane? I have no sympathy towards israel.
yeah and?

think about it for a while

deuteronomy was written when shellfish and pork could kill you and when nobody really understood menstruation beyond the fact that it was the work of the devil

the qur'an was written from the viewpoint of a warring arab tribe in the 5th century living desert fashion and nobody really understood menstruation beyond the fact that it was the work of the devil

do you know many christians who follow deuteronomy (or leviticus) to the letter

do you know many jews who do (no you do not because orthodox jews do not hang around w/ goyim if they can help it)

modern islam is underpinned by 1600 years of commentary and jurisprudence and interpretation and has moved itself away from its 5th century desert roots (while still retaining many subjective ways of thinking e.g. women needing to be protected for the safety of the tribe) and is now broadly compatible with the way of life of any country an adherent finds him or herself in

it's these wahhabi fucks w/ guns who want to remove this 1600 years' worth of progress and go straight back to the literal, temporally- and geographically-situated context of the qur'an and every other muslim fucking hates them for this

but you fucks keep arming them and propping up dictatorial regimes (like saudi and the former egyptian dictatorship; the brotherhood were actually far more moderate, do not believe for a second that mubarak was secular) that support and sponsor them, so the 99% of moderate muslims get fucked

great job america-mom
Islam compatible with the modern world, rofl. Their holy books clearly, unequivocally state that a good muslim is a headchopper. Can't bullshit your way around that.
sure u can

i am surrounded by muslims on a daily basis and my head remains in its sanctified position thank u very much
I don't think this is going to cause WWIII. Most countries are happy to let Israel manage its own affairs. The USA and the UK have excepted themselves from this policy because they view Israel as a country that needs saving. The rest of the world, of course, can go to hell.

are u trolling cuz lol