JEW NEWS: Jewish family extorts $1.25 million from New York City in frivolous lawsuit

anyway back on topic

as funny as it is picturing a bunch of black guys with knives chasing this guy down the street yelling "get the jew!" i will give you that it is pretty fucked up how negligent the hospital was

my issue though is the family in typical heeb fashion suing for damages 14 years after the fact
Nido said:
try looking harder dipshit
You hiding in a corner does not count, plus I dont believe you. Anyone coul;d say "Oh ya Im there you just cant find me". Join #tribalwar, identify to your nick, and say hi.
PJ said:
You hiding in a corner does not count, plus I dont believe you. Anyone coul;d say "Oh ya Im there you just cant find me". Join #tribalwar, identify to your nick, and say hi.

so you admit that you can't stop him from joining irc unless he joins a certain channel and wags his penis in your face?
Yeah, the posts are racist, but the stereotype is true.
When you grow up and it's time to work, you'll find that just about all CEOs and high up people are Jews. They've done away with the middle management jobs, and that's called "delayering." This leaves the Jews on top, with everyone else as grunt workers with no chance of making any money.
Just wait until you graduate from college and go looking for that management job, it won't be there.
xpdnc said:
so you admit that you can't stop him from joining irc unless he joins a certain channel and wags his penis in your face?
No, Ive stopped him rather consistantly. Im just saying to prove his statement (which he cant) he would have to do that.
wow this thread has crossed the line from normal tw jew jokes just to offend people to actually being anti semetic.

i'm a jew. don't hate me, i :heart: u :(
PJ said:
You hiding in a corner does not count, plus I dont believe you. Anyone coul;d say "Oh ya Im there you just cant find me". Join #tribalwar, identify to your nick, and say hi.

:rofl: I picture PJ sitting at his PC wearing a VR headset, imagining that Dynamix.irc is the real world - and he is fervently scanning all the dark corners for his nemisis.
Nido said:
it's extortion because if this was some fucking greaseball italian who got shanked it wouldn't have cost the city a dime

now in this situation you have jews involved and big surprise: the city is paying a settlement worth over a million dollars

your tax dollars hard at work...filling the coffers of the nation's jew lawyers

I don't see any extortion there. What I do see, however, is your racist ass reading more into the story than is actually there. And yes, I did use the correct term when I said "racist ass", because I figure that's where your brain is.
america is the land of the frivolous lawsuit. i guarantee there are 10,000 lawsuits going on right now, some probaly brought by people of the jewish persuasion, that are INFINITELY more frivolous than suing the hospital that let your son died.

google up and find a better example to hate a race of people for.
Bah, all the jews I know are good fucking people, with the exception of Fraggle. And he isn't a practicing jew.

Now Mormons, those fuckers.