Jay Leno gets the Tonight Show back - Conan Fired

It certaily looks like Conan is gonna come out on top when this all shakes down. With all the other celebrities piling on Leno, he's looking better and better. It kind of makes me wonder what Jay has done to piss off so many people off camera. He always struck me as a pretty class act on television, but I have to admit I am beginning to rethnk that opinion.

Conan might be in trouble with the terms of his contract though, it sounds like NBC may indeed be able to make good on the threat to keep him bottled up and off the air for three years, which is an eternity in entertainment.
leno was a bastard to everyone when he got the tonight show. he blacklisted a bunch of people and treated a lot of people like shit. a real prick.

glad to see him go, sorry to see him come right fucking back.
so all you guys do is watch tv?

more attention given to this than many other more relevant topics

Like how you claim to read a lot of financial stuff but seem to think the Canadian Dollar owns the American Dollar when you fail at understanding an exchange rate?
can someone link me to the right now episode of conan or at least links to what has happened

i dont have cable

Rob Lowe is on trying to promote something, but Conan and Andy obviously don't give a fuck and are just goofing around.
There is piling evidence that Leno is a narcissistic ass; even more than the mainstream Hollywood type and has offended many. It also sounds like he has pissed off lots of comedians because he steals material without credit frequently.
i just finished watching last nights episode on hulu. that show was classic. conan is fucking hilarious. i loved when he was talking to bryce about santa. can't wait to see tonights episode (west coast)