Jay Leno gets the Tonight Show back - Conan Fired

I think Kimmel got pissed off at Leno's response during question 4 and went all out.

It looks a bit like that, hard to believe it wasn't planned tho.

he does have a whiny temper, like he did the same thing with sabrina the witch, she said something about him and he tore her a new bejeweled vajayjay

i think this whole late night talk show drama is the best thing to happen to their industry in fucking forever

i have a feeling ridiculous guests that would never come on leno/letterman/kimmel/conan are going to try and get on just to ride the wave
lmao @ conan ripping nbc and leno

this is going to be a funny final week of conan, i'm sure nbc is reeling

rip tonight show!
I can't wait to see Conan tonight. I do agree that this drama is the best thing that has happened ot late night since the first Tonight Show drama with Leno and Letterman.

NBC should have sent Leno to the wayside because his contract is much larger and he'll just retired in a couple more years... and then want The Tonight Show back again.
The youtube clips are very telling, and they make a good point about lead-ins...Conan (and local affiliates) are getting fucked by Leno's garbage show...the obvious solution is just tell Leno to go fuck himself.

This all seems insane, TBH...it's not like Leno was dominating ratings less than a year after he inherited the show from carson...