I've spent $1,000 on High School already


Veteran XX
and my kid hasn't attended a single day of class yet.

$322 athletic insurance (above my own health insurance) for a quarter
$250 for Softball camp
$244 for ASB/Yearbook/Sweatshirt
$122 for books/calculator/supplies
$40 backpack
$60 shoes

still gotta buy pencils/pens/paper and a back-to-school outfit.
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no u spent $880 on sports and shit $160 on school wtf is wrong with u
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white people spend all their time and money competing in sports and wonder why they can't compete in the workplace
wtf is athletic insurance

it's a replacement for the tax money that used to allocated to sports, and is now replaced by some other form of funding.

It's the same for the music department too....just has a different name.
No money for schools, got to subsidize sports stadiums for professional teams. America.

We are so fucking good at spending money badly.
just a forewarning is all... some of these basement dwellers will escape one day, and face the same sort of real world that I live in. (maybe).
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Seems pretty cheap to me... Oh this is for public school. Go to an independent school and see how much it goes up. I'm dropping a lot more then $1k and my kid is only in 2nd grade.
Oh I fully agree public schools are cheaper then private. Not a gloating thread, its a reality thread.
You mean people are pissed when public schools can't give their special snowflakes everything for free? That is just shocking. Really. It is.