Is this Feannag or Nail Bomb?

I had work.. terra has been all over this thread since i fucked with him.

I really wish i could do message boards and wow all day but i cant anymore.
I had work.. terra has been all over this thread since i fucked with him.

I really wish i could do message boards and wow all day but i cant anymore.

When did you "fuck" with me? Are you talking about the time when I posted a huge list of your bs and everyone laughed at you, or are you talking about the everytime you tried to defend yourself and failed miserably as everyone laughed at you again? Oh, but that never happened because you were only TROLLING to seem like a retard, right? LOL.

Anytime I post "Nail Bomb is dumb" or any variant of it, you pretty much go off and write a wall of text which usually has (a) lies, (b) some non relevant shit that happened ages ago, and (c) racism in. And to top it off, you then say "its just a game" while you try to bring some real life shit or non-wow related topic into it. Amazing.

I wish there were more people like you, so my days would be more entertaining. I'm not even joking.
When did you "fuck" with me? Are you talking about the time when I posted a huge list of your bs and everyone laughed at you, or are you talking about the everytime you tried to defend yourself and failed miserably as everyone laughed at you again? Oh, but that never happened because you were only TROLLING to seem like a retard, right? LOL.

Anytime I post "Nail Bomb is dumb" or any variant of it, you pretty much go off and write a wall of text which usually has (a) lies, (b) some non relevant shit that happened ages ago, and (c) racism in. And to top it off, you then say "its just a game" while you try to bring some real life shit or non-wow related topic into it. Amazing.

I wish there were more people like you, so my days would be more entertaining. I'm not even joking.

I never mention the game, ever. You bring up wow and use it as an insult quite frequently. I have stopped playing this game a long long time ago... when you say "you're bad at wow!" i think that you've some how manifested it into a real insult in your mind... that is kind of sad when you really stop and think about it, you have to be over 25 and still pulling 13 year old shit.

I dislike you due to my encounters with you some on here some in real life and some over vent. You just fucking RAGED on hugo for having a difference in political opinion then you. then kicked him out of vent with out even so much of a warning.

how is that not going off? i went in the other vent that hugo went too and he had no clue why you kicked him.

I dont care about wow its a silly game, the characters i linked i have no idea who they belong too. I just thought the guild name was funny so picked it to say it was my own. I just had a feeling you'd launch this huge thing and try and figure something dumb out to "totally own someone"

Kind of like the rich that drank underage and got smashed in the lan room, only to have your hand placed on another guys dick. drinking is fine but you were yelling knocking shit over and just being an obnoxious asshole.

whatever happen with that t shirt shit?

everything posted on here to me is a joke, i dont take any of it serious and i really couldn't care about wow other then i use to use it to pass time. some people just never grow up.
So "everything posted here is a joke" and you "couldn't care" but you're replying to my post by doing the exact thing I said you would do?

I like to type up multiple paragraphs about stuff I don't care about too. I don't see why anyone sees this as strange. :shrug:
Hell naw son I did good dps I just died all the time because nobody wanted to heal me. SWD'ing while enfeebled was a pretty funny fuck up though.