Is my wife unique?

I agree 100%, this is common sense and my Military experience was the same. Furthermore no one cared if someone was gay or not. Never an issue. Not sure how non binary and trans is, that wasn’t a thing when I was in. Though we did have one furry who was actually a good tech and fine to work with.
I saw some of the biggest red neck good ol boys and black ghetto dudes become the best of friends in the service. I think all of those faggots who cry about race or whatever should go in military. TBH I think it should be mandatory for 3 years for everyone.
Solve this social justice bullshit along with fatass problem PDQ.
Kids are super different. Your results may vary - significantly.

I think our 10yr old is on the spectrum. She's very smart but has terrible meltdowns, that sometimes last for hours, and it's not a 'tantrum' because there is no reward that she seeks. She just gets stuck into a loop of repeating behavior/yelling/screaming/ and the only thing that helps is to put her into a dark room by herself until she calms down. Sometimes at night, when we're all settling into bed, she will start screaming no one wants to sleep with her and then she will just go into everyone else's bedrooms screaming and crying no one wants to sleep with her. But then if you say, "sure, you can sleep here" she goes to "DONT TALK TO ME, YOURE MAKING FUN OF ME" etc. Then its just her for hours at a time hot tears, screaming, crying. Then all of a sudden, its like nothing has happened, she's back to normal, except everyone else is super tired/anxious/exhausted having to deal with it. Doesn't happen every day but maybe 2-3 times a week she has a major meltdown.

If I even physically touch her in the slightest way, ie. I just slightly brush her hand or reach over her and touch her with the side of my arm, or anything, it sends her into a screaming hysterical meltdown. I am a major 'trigger' to her meltdowns. She constantly is finding anything to be irrate/angry/upset about and is 100% of the time seeking confrontation and arguments. Could be anything, if she asks for something, I'll ask if she can say it a nice way, with 'please'. She will decline, say I don't deserve please, she'll start on about my egg head, etc, say i'm a bad father, I ruined her life, etc, She will never say 'sorry' or 'excuse me'. If she hurts one of the younger kids, she will assert it's their fault, she will try to get them to go on her side and say they hate me too. Eventually I'll have to give her a firm 'pat' on the head to put an end to the arguing and then she goes back to crying and muttering that no one loves her. She just sucks all the oxygen out of the room and no one can think/operate/do anything, she just wastes so much time being angry/melting down. Mom settles her down, then reports back to me - Hey, she says you're not giving her enough attention, She says youre not spending enough time with her, She says you're not doing this/ doing that/ etc. So she spins her bad behavior and justifies it by blaming me. I think the worst part, is that there is no reasonable answer to the bad behavior. Mom seeks to find validation/ causes/ behind the bad behavior and she finds that by placing it on me. I think the hard truth is that there is no reasonable explanation/cause to the behavior because it's a mental condition and it's no one's fault - but she finds it difficult to believe but she is coming around to the fact now that I have shown her autistic meltdown patterns. We had a trip without the 10yr old and mom really got to witness herself how much more calm/peaceful/normal everything is without the 10yr old. We could talk to each other without being constantly interrupted every 2 seconds. It's possible she will one day out grow the behavior, its just her emotional development is delayed significantly, by like, 5 years.

She really just has so much trouble trying to do back and forth conversation. She doesn't understand the least bit about civil discourse. If I say something while she's talking, to add to the conversation, BOOM, meltdown. YOU INTERRUPTED ME WHEN I WAS TALKING I WAS TALKING I WAS TALKING I WAS TALKING NOW I FORGOT WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM.

The 5yr old twins on the other hand, are just so easy going and kind and use good manners and words like please/thank yous/ they listen to me, give hugs, have coherent back and forth conversations. They have little spats between each other but they blow over quickly, in 10secs I give them a little talk and they're back to playing. They sort of know that the older sibling has issues and so they're immune to the hysterics and just ignore her when it happens. They have their good moments together (all three). But still, its hard to take her anywhere because its always such a massive struggle with her behavior problems. Just like, having her sit down in a seat, that could lead to a 1hr car ride of fighting. Kicking the back of a seat, yelling, screaming, fighting, she wants a different seat, she never gets any rewards, we hate her, her sister is ugly, im ugly and stupid, her brother is stupid, it just goes on and on and on.
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Kids are super different. Your results may vary - significantly.

I think our 10yr old is on the spectrum. She's very smart but has terrible meltdowns, that sometimes last for hours, and it's not a 'tantrum' because there is no reward that she seeks. She just gets stuck into a loop of repeating behavior/yelling/screaming/ and the only thing that helps is to put her into a dark room by herself until she calms down. Sometimes at night, when we're all settling into bed, she will start screaming no one wants to sleep with her and then she will just go into everyone else's bedrooms screaming and crying no one wants to sleep with her. But then if you say, "sure, you can sleep here" she goes to "DONT TALK TO ME, YOURE MAKING FUN OF ME" etc. Then its just her for hours at a time hot tears, screaming, crying. Then all of a sudden, its like nothing has happened, she's back to normal, except everyone else is super tired/anxious/exhausted having to deal with it. Doesn't happen every day but maybe 2-3 times a week she has a major meltdown.

If I even physically touch her in the slightest way, ie. I just slightly brush her hand or reach over her and touch her with the side of my arm, or anything, it sends her into a screaming hysterical meltdown. I am a major 'trigger' to her meltdowns. She constantly is finding anything to be irrate/angry/upset about and is 100% of the time seeking confrontation and arguments. Could be anything, if she asks for something, I'll ask if she can say it a nice way, with 'please'. She will decline, say I don't deserve please, she'll start on about my egg head, etc, say i'm a bad father, I ruined her life, etc, She will never say 'sorry' or 'excuse me'. If she hurts one of the younger kids, she will assert it's their fault, she will try to get them to go on her side and say they hate me too. Eventually I'll have to give her a firm 'pat' on the head to put an end to the arguing and then she goes back to crying and muttering that no one loves her. She just sucks all the oxygen out of the room and no one can think/operate/do anything, she just wastes so much time being angry/melting down. Mom settles her down, then reports back to me - Hey, she says you're not giving her enough attention, She says youre not spending enough time with her, She says you're not doing this/ doing that/ etc. So she spins her bad behavior and justifies it by blaming me. I think the worst part, is that there is no reasonable answer to the bad behavior. Mom seeks to find validation/ causes/ behind the bad behavior and she finds that by placing it on me. I think the hard truth is that there is no reasonable explanation/cause to the behavior because it's a mental condition and it's no one's fault - but she finds it difficult to believe but she is coming around to the fact now that I have shown her autistic meltdown patterns. We had a trip without the 10yr old and mom really got to witness herself how much more calm/peaceful/normal everything is without the 10yr old. We could talk to each other without being constantly interrupted every 2 seconds. It's possible she will one day out grow the behavior, its just her emotional development is delayed significantly, by like, 5 years.

She really just has so much trouble trying to do back and forth conversation. She doesn't understand the least bit about civil discourse. If I say something while she's talking, to add to the conversation, BOOM, meltdown. YOU INTERRUPTED ME WHEN I WAS TALKING I WAS TALKING I WAS TALKING I WAS TALKING NOW I FORGOT WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM.

The 5yr old twins on the other hand, are just so easy going and kind and use good manners and words like please/thank yous/ they listen to me, give hugs, have coherent back and forth conversations. They have little spats between each other but they blow over quickly, in 10secs I give them a little talk and they're back to playing. They sort of know that the older sibling has issues and so they're immune to the hysterics and just ignore her when it happens. They have their good moments together (all three). But still, its hard to take her anywhere because its always such a massive struggle with her behavior problems. Just like, having her sit down in a seat, that could lead to a 1hr car ride of fighting. Kicking the back of a seat, yelling, screaming, fighting, she wants a different seat, she never gets any rewards, we hate her, her sister is ugly, im ugly and stupid, her brother is stupid, it just goes on and on and on.
An autist produced an autistic

I have returned from the far away land of Jay Pan. Landed last night. Trying to re-organize and orientate myself. House design looks matured and vetted now. Will contact out to a septic company to see if the lot is feasible or not.
The child is either on the spectrum or yes something traumatic happened. Either way you're going to kill yourself in the process of trying to make everyone happy. You need to have your own lines drawn. Just because you are the stepdad doesn't mean you are the scapegoat. Set aside time for the kid at specific times. Set times for yourself at specific times. Any parent will tell you that you need your own space at times. That's primarily why I get up so early in the morning so I can sit there with my dog and coffee Not having to deal with 1000 questions or work melting. Structure wins
Well let's see
I majored in cognitive psychology
Taught first/second for 33 years
And have a wife who was molested as a child...

But could just be she's mad about changes/divorce and needs space
but also a stable adult in control...
I'd question about abuse...
And until that is settled I would be very careful about how you physically touch her
But let's hear from the bartender
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Kids are super different. Your results may vary - significantly.

I think our 10yr old is on the spectrum. She's very smart but has terrible meltdowns, that sometimes last for hours, and it's not a 'tantrum' because there is no reward that she seeks. She just gets stuck into a loop of repeating behavior/yelling/screaming/ and the only thing that helps is to put her into a dark room by herself until she calms down. Sometimes at night, when we're all settling into bed, she will start screaming no one wants to sleep with her and then she will just go into everyone else's bedrooms screaming and crying no one wants to sleep with her. But then if you say, "sure, you can sleep here" she goes to "DONT TALK TO ME, YOURE MAKING FUN OF ME" etc. Then its just her for hours at a time hot tears, screaming, crying. Then all of a sudden, its like nothing has happened, she's back to normal, except everyone else is super tired/anxious/exhausted having to deal with it. Doesn't happen every day but maybe 2-3 times a week she has a major meltdown.

If I even physically touch her in the slightest way, ie. I just slightly brush her hand or reach over her and touch her with the side of my arm, or anything, it sends her into a screaming hysterical meltdown. I am a major 'trigger' to her meltdowns. She constantly is finding anything to be irrate/angry/upset about and is 100% of the time seeking confrontation and arguments. Could be anything, if she asks for something, I'll ask if she can say it a nice way, with 'please'. She will decline, say I don't deserve please, she'll start on about my egg head, etc, say i'm a bad father, I ruined her life, etc, She will never say 'sorry' or 'excuse me'. If she hurts one of the younger kids, she will assert it's their fault, she will try to get them to go on her side and say they hate me too. Eventually I'll have to give her a firm 'pat' on the head to put an end to the arguing and then she goes back to crying and muttering that no one loves her. She just sucks all the oxygen out of the room and no one can think/operate/do anything, she just wastes so much time being angry/melting down. Mom settles her down, then reports back to me - Hey, she says you're not giving her enough attention, She says youre not spending enough time with her, She says you're not doing this/ doing that/ etc. So she spins her bad behavior and justifies it by blaming me. I think the worst part, is that there is no reasonable answer to the bad behavior. Mom seeks to find validation/ causes/ behind the bad behavior and she finds that by placing it on me. I think the hard truth is that there is no reasonable explanation/cause to the behavior because it's a mental condition and it's no one's fault - but she finds it difficult to believe but she is coming around to the fact now that I have shown her autistic meltdown patterns. We had a trip without the 10yr old and mom really got to witness herself how much more calm/peaceful/normal everything is without the 10yr old. We could talk to each other without being constantly interrupted every 2 seconds. It's possible she will one day out grow the behavior, its just her emotional development is delayed significantly, by like, 5 years.

She really just has so much trouble trying to do back and forth conversation. She doesn't understand the least bit about civil discourse. If I say something while she's talking, to add to the conversation, BOOM, meltdown. YOU INTERRUPTED ME WHEN I WAS TALKING I WAS TALKING I WAS TALKING I WAS TALKING NOW I FORGOT WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM.

The 5yr old twins on the other hand, are just so easy going and kind and use good manners and words like please/thank yous/ they listen to me, give hugs, have coherent back and forth conversations. They have little spats between each other but they blow over quickly, in 10secs I give them a little talk and they're back to playing. They sort of know that the older sibling has issues and so they're immune to the hysterics and just ignore her when it happens. They have their good moments together (all three). But still, its hard to take her anywhere because its always such a massive struggle with her behavior problems. Just like, having her sit down in a seat, that could lead to a 1hr car ride of fighting. Kicking the back of a seat, yelling, screaming, fighting, she wants a different seat, she never gets any rewards, we hate her, her sister is ugly, im ugly and stupid, her brother is stupid, it just goes on and on and on.
It's not even a question to me that this child (like some do, moreso than the norm) needed strict discipline growing up and received none.

Wildly spoiled psycho brat, compounded with issues stemming from the mom (and you) over-coddling, spoiling, and not properly raising her.

You don't love me! Blah blah blah. This is all fed to her. No single-digit child thinks they're unloved unless you are a shit parent and never show love. The only time they think this, other than insane abuse, is if they were inadvertently told this by the mother coddling her with "but we love you!" when she should be getting punished.

I've seen it all before.
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Well let's see
I majored in cognitive psychology
Taught first/second for 33 years
And have a wife who was molested as a child...

But could just be she's mad about changes/divorce and needs space
but also a stable adult in control...
I'd question about abuse...
And until that is settled I would be very careful about how you physically touch her
But let's hear from the bartender

as a father ive had to bare witness to unimaginable abuse of my own child due to her mother's deep rooted generational psychological issues

you don't need to prove shit to me

arm chair pediatric psychiatrist

take ur meds