Imagine the hissy fit from the MAGA crew if a democrat tried to regulate Twitter

Yes, the leftist dream of regulating social media basically consists of de-platforming all conservative thoughts and ideas until all that remains is an extremist/anarchist echo chamber.

So the outrage would be justified.

You're welcome.
bitch please

it could be verbatim the same EO and it would still be construed as a communist takeover. "ZOMG PRESIDENT IS SUPPRESSING CRITICISM" etc etc

don't get me wrong, I'm not even against the principle of holding platforms like facebook/twitter responsible for the influence they have

but come on, who are you kidding
bitch please

it could be verbatim the same EO and it would still be construed as a communist takeover. "ZOMG PRESIDENT IS SUPPRESSING CRITICISM" etc etc

don't get me wrong, I'm not even against the principle of holding platforms like facebook/twitter responsible for the influence they have

but come on, who are you kidding

Gotta call bullshit. All the right has ever asked for on social media is the fair and equal application of the rules/TOS. Every publisher (not platform) has consistently failed to do that, and they don't even try to hide their bias anymore. It's to the point that it's directly affecting the election and we won't stand for it.

Regulation incoming, bitch.
Gotta call bullshit. All the right has ever asked for on social media is the fair and equal application of the rules/TOS. Every publisher (not platform) has consistently failed to do that, and they don't even try to hide their bias anymore. It's to the point that it's directly affecting the election and we won't stand for it.

Regulation incoming, bitch.
p sure if you read the rules/TOS, they say that the platform holder has complete discretion over what stays up and what gets removed

i get it, that gets really fucking dodgy with an entity like twitter that functions as a de facto public forum but legally isn't one

but at the end of the day, what orange man's gunning for here is government interference in how a private company operates its business

that's an infowars headline if i ever saw one

and let's face it, you couldn't give a fuck about it if twitter had the same bias in favor of conservatives
It's funny... because the only ones who appear bent on actively trying to regulate the public forum... is the Left and Democrats.

Am I missing out not subscribing to twitter?



Some of the most successful public communication was provided by usenet and the usenet community. The lessons learned on phone systems and usenet are all that are needed. The problem comes when the entire communication platform is controlled by fascists. Like Facebook and twitter.
and let's face it, you couldn't give a fuck about it if twitter had the same bias in favor of conservatives

Perhaps, but let's not pretend that your position wouldn't 180 if that were the case. Truth is these sites are too big to moderate without automation, which sucks, and when you decide to start selectively editing through human moderators you're opening yourself to potential displays of bias. The policy should be to maintain as high a degree of objectivity as possible, and only in the most egregious of cases. Then maintain that standard fairly and blindly.

What you don't do is hire obvious authoritarian ideologues and give them absolute power. That's outright retarded. They're incapable of demonstrating the reasonableness required to hold the public trust.
and let's face it, you couldn't give a fuck about it if twitter had the same bias in favor of conservatives

I like how you suddenly know what I do and don't give a fuck about. That's special. You're a special guy.
You going to speak on Amadildo's behalf, kale?

Where did he go all of a sudden?
the honest truth is whiny know it all bitches like Amapedo would be absolutely furious if they were getting permabanned from huge megacorporation social media sites with monopolies on public forums for being pro-obama/clinton and anti-trump.

they don't have to admit it, it's fucking obvious they would be.

and that's exactly what is happening on twitter, except if you are pro-trump, you are permabanned.