I’m really struggling to enjoy the new TW

Because he is a stupid child looking for attention being all angsty

They must have locked him out of the Nick Jr forums

We should consider his mental health and issue him a tranquility break of 350 hours... DEI and all
You're doing a shit job bro. The forum is a slightly different shade of blue than he's used to.
"Hey guys give us your money so we can pay professionals to upgrade the site!"

*gets a bunch of money from his maga buttbuddies*

"Yeah the site looks like shit but we're all amateurs here what are ya gonna do LOL."
you know the upgrade was to a new software system not a bunch of UI devs lmao. you think 1200 gunna get a new software upgrade and UI. if u want i can maybe hire some underage devs who are hard up for work.. i think you would enjoy that.
tbh I'm amazed we got this far not sure what the pedo apologist is on abooot other than salty about a custom (and appropriate) title

it's a forum where the only comfort he finds is among aspie contrarians
I really dont see too much of an issue with the layout. It looks fine imho. I mean if you wanted to, the top separation that has time for post, new, share, favorite, post#, you could make it the same shade of blue as the sidebar where the avatars are, that would break things up a little. But otherwise it looks just fine